Of course, as soon as one person has the right to spend his money in any way he wants, the other person has the right to respect or disrespect his actions, and the right to have an opinion.
But can it be something more than opinion? I am sure that no way. Since it is impossible to make people spend their money in a "proper" way, it is impossible to create moral rules for everybody. Impossible to create any laws, to restrict rich people from *dolce vita*. What it could be like? Communism? It failed... and cause only much more problems..
Ax3C, I understand perfectly well what you mean in your post about poor homeless people... But this is life, it ain't no place for justice & equality. Emotions? Yes, we all have them. But common sense makes me to damp down them. One could become Mother Teresa on voluntary lines only. So, I ask myself - how could I blame other people for not being that generous? Inalienable right to live the life you want is kinda basis... If any pressure is provided on rich people to make them spend their money in a different way and they are restricted it will be violation of that basis. And if it violated once, it would be violated many times. You should only begin. Ethic questions are hard to be placed under certain laws or rules. If we want something more than just emotions and words, if we want to change the situation, we will face some unsolvable questions. What is the line not to cross? What house is bigger than "normal"? What car is waste of money? 40 000? 100 000 USD? What about jewelry? How much can a person have not to be called bastard? Who will define that limits, that prices, that constrains? Those who ain't got no food to eat will tell you that spending money to pay for the internet is wasteful. Those who are in need of the money for serious medical operation, will tell you that spending money for travelling over the world is a luxury... It is always about comparison. There always be a gap between poor people and those who live like kings.
I do not argue that it is sad, but I think that it is just no way to fight with it. All that anger (even righteous anger) shoud not be transformated into any specific steps, like burning cars, houses or stuff like that.
"Take away (from the wealthy) and share (among poor men)". It was one of the slogans of the communist revolution in Russia. All that good intentions usually lead to hell. We gotta accept private property, and the right to spend money to any shit, whether we like it or not, cuz trying to regulate wishes of other people in conformity with your own point of view and in accordance to your moral rules will lead to total chaos!
If P. Diddy give all his money to every poor man, he will become poor himself. Why not to give a little of his money to just a few? Cuz the rest will always be unsatisfied with him! Cuz 10 000 000 dollars are just 1 buck for 10 000 000 poor men. It won't change their life! And untill P.Diddy has money for a new hummer or hennesey people will put a blame on him for being rich asshole. Why can't you give me $1000 if you've got million? He will hear this question everyday, till he ain't no millioniare any longer. And again, what is the criteria to divide wasteful luxury from deserved quality of life? I do not like P. Diddy, but I understand lack of prospects of that accusations. I gotta close my eyes on that. It is a lot of injustice in the world. People should rely upon themselves only, not to wait for some help from generous celebrities or whatever. Got not to care about the rest, not to look in other men pocket.