Congrats Threads


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This is just a suggestion, not law, so don't jump down my throat.

I think all congratulations threads should be moved to Games and all future ones be started in games. Because while it's nice to be noticed, shouldn't a post have more than the word congrats and a smiley? Isn't that "spam"

I'm not saying we shouldn't do it anymore, the threads will all still exist, but post counts won't skyrocket. I have a feeling of deja vu, have we already decided not to in the past and I forgot?
Well if you look at my posts in them I don't just post congrats. Usually I stick some comment on them, some funny mostly. I think they should stay in the members section because thats what they are. There threads for the members about the members.


Member, you member...
Again, 4G, it comes down to "post or not to post."
IMO, we don't have to post in these threads as cabey stated - it's a choice.
Members should be congratulated on board achievements and the Member's area was the chosen place to do it.
Only the "regulars" post in those threads anyway - I don't really see spamation going on in these threads.
Not jumping down your throat, just my observation.
I don't think post counts ever really skyrocket around here at all 4G. The fact that this forum doesn't count posts in the game section (where most of the regulars end up posting the most) is just plain odd and dumb, imo.

If you look at other messageboards around, you'll see post counts in the 50,000+ range a lot. I understand why they do it here, and the tie in with prizes and stuff, but if that stuff didn't matter, many of us in here would have post counts that rival our current rep totals. I don't know why, but it's just annoying to me to see someone with 65 posts and over 10,000 rep, when I know they may have made over 1,000 posts in the game section. *The game section should be destroyed before anything other than GAMES is ever added to it again.

My :2 cents:
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Spam is inevitable and we should be glad it's not very common here as it is.

If we'd move the Congrats threads to the Game section people will just find a new way of spamming, for example, I see alot of people repeatedly post in babes' threads (i.e. Krystal Steal, Teagan etc) inane comments such as "great post" or "nice links she's so hot".
KungFuDude said:
*The game section should be destroyed before anything other than GAMES is ever added to it again.

My :2 cents:

No disrespect to you KFD but thats a little over the top, as what your talking about are games. To destroy the section because members are repping other members for what they post in them. This section is one of the funniest sections on the board.

But here's a alteration on your plan and I'm only playing devils advocate here as I don't take much notice of members rep anyway. But why not just make it so you can't rep in the games section, rather than take it off.

As always there is ways round this though, like just starting a thread in the talk or members section that does the same thing. Plus post count would be counted here so post count would boom on some members who post at the moment mostly in the games section. Or they could see someone who've they been having fun with in the games section and knowing they can't rep them there. Just go find a post of their's somewhere else on the board and do it there instead.

So would you think destroying the games section to be the answer ?
I think you missed my point poggy. END THE MADNESS OF NOT COUNTING POSTS and stop moving threads to the game section that aren't even games. Thats my point. I don't care people have high rep totals because of the game section, but I would like to see their ACTUAL POST COUNTS. Rep away, but show us why they have so much rep. Why? Because they post more than anybody else! Maybe then it will remove some of this animosity around the board if others can see many of us actually post an astronomical amount of times.


Closed Account
jod0565 said:
Again, 4G, it comes down to "post or not to post."

That's why I usually don't post in any of those threads, but I think I would if they were in games.

I like the games threads, it's an island of neutrality.
KungFuDude said:
I think you missed my point poggy. END THE MADNESS OF NOT COUNTING POSTS and stop moving threads to the game section that aren't even games. Thats my point. I don't care people have high rep totals because of the game section, but I would like to see their ACTUAL POST COUNTS. Rep away, but show us why they have so much rep. Why? Because they post more than anybody else! Maybe then it will remove some of this animosity around the board if others can see many of us actually post an astronomical amount of times.

That way post count would sky rocket and almost every person COULD get over 1000 posts in 3 days without it even being spam.

I think it would ruin the community since posts wouldnt be so hard to get and they wouldn't be as prestigious. When the rep system first started it meant a whole lot more than it does now because it was harder to get but now half of the people don't care about it and the other half spread it mindlessly.

Further more, if every person could just spam his ass off and get a crazy post amount new members wouldn't know which member is new here or here for a while so they wouldn't know which person they should listen to when they need a tip or advice.
It's all relative Calm. What you consider a lot of posts, I do not. As I stated a few posts above, 50,000 posts is really average for some forums. And what about all the talk section threads they moved into the 'No Post Count' section? Were those members spamming or just conversing a bit to much for the man?

Speaking of spamming, let me ask you this, don't you think that some of the babe section posters are spamming it up big time already? Not just the one word repliers, but the ones who dump hundreds of reposts on us everyday. The spammers are already out there. You just have to know where to look.

Anyway it's never going to change. They seem to like it nice and tidy around here. Pay no attention to me. I'm just spamming out my opinion. :)


Congrats threads are fine where they are and how they are done.

It's a little bit "spammy" but they are well intentioned and we are only talking about one post per thread.


Retired Moderator
My Congrats posts don't number in the hundreds... :D
It's easy to see how people with a very low post count have so much rep. Just click on their names & choose the see all posts option.

Besides, why would you want to know anyway? I personally don't really care about other peoples post count or rep and I also believe there's very little to no competition at all when it comes to post count & rep amongst other members.

If you want to have lots of rep and a high post count, you could always try to post meaningful posts in the talk section. That way, people who say there's a lack of quality posts there will be shut up as well.


Closed Account
********** said:
For the record, I don't think you should take post count too seriously, and I don't think it should be a competition. Just post whatever you want to and let that be that.


Ideally, but people can't ignore numbers, well I can't...
i liked that..island of neutrality.
i'm not trying to jump down your throat, i think it's an issue that maybe should be addressed, as there are obviously mixed feelings.
i think it's fine as it is. it's only one post per thread and ther's not too many of them. and the rep congratulator is a game. i have no problem with the games not adding to post count, in fact, i think it's a good thing. this keeps out people that would post there just to add to their post count. there are a number of members here that post uselessly in the id babes section. things like, "she's hot" or "i'd hit it" i think it's ridiculous, but it goes on and i sometimes comment similarly, rarely, but it happens. sometimes i won't see a thread for a while and quote and post that it's a good link, one that may have been a few pages back which reintroduces that link, which is probably unseen to many. there's also the issue of reposting links that one has to know is a repost as it's sooooo old. but it goes on and isn't that big of a deal. i personally hate link reposting (and i know, we've all done it) and it used to drive me crazy, but looking back i was just being petty. those members are having fun and think they're making a contribution. let them, why not? thats the whole point!

we're all her to have fun, and thats it.
none of us are getting paid, so it shouldn't matter. post counts, rep stones, thread winners...etc., they only matter here, and don't matter to most here. there is no prestigious postcount or rep winner award or prize. it's all fun.
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