Just got this email and I decided to go for it! It was fun knowing you guys but since im about to become rich I am no longer staying here any longer with you simpletons!
I am Johnson Pole a personal foreign consultant to the embattled president Bashar al-Assad of Syria.
President Bashar al-Assad knowing full well that his regime is coming to an end due to the political civil
revolution that is engulfing Syria at present coupled with sanctions from western and Islamic cooperation’s as you
may be aware , he has confidentially mandated me to divert substantial sum of his personal funds to a safe place.
I discretely selected you for this proposition while going through dossiers of personalities in your country.
Without mincing words, I am looking for a trusted foreign partner that i can entrust the fund in his care for the
purpose of future investment in a favorable climate that can yield good returns to the capital.
Awaiting your Important response,
Johnson Pole.
Johnson Pole <erika@menlh.go.id>