
So I am 23 years old, I have a BA in Accounting and economics, I have an apartment I share with a friend and after over a year of work and one day after being assigned new responsibility....I got downsized yesterday. I don't really know what to think or do now...I am just kinda sitting around watching porn...

I don't know I just kinda wanted to vent. Aside from looking for a new job any suggestions of what I should be doing with all my new found free time?

Tough break man... can't really give you any advice except to stay positive and use the energy to start looking for something else! Depending on where you live, the Feds are hiring a lot of new people, if you don't mind becoming part of the problem :) Check all of the online adds, and keep pressing!

Best of luck.
Actually the I had been looking for a new job for a while and the FEDs are exactly where I wanted to work. (Not sure how my porn fandom will effect that though).

So I have a jump start on all of that, and I applied for unemployment yesterday so that should help.

I am confused about a couple things right now, 1. should I be mad or glad. I liked the people I worked with but it was a dead end job in a field I had no interest working in. 2. should I sit and wait for the applications I have already sent out to play out or should I look for something immediate. 3. Should I get a part time job or would that screw up my unemployment. Finally where can I find lonely housewives and MILFs with out spending lots of cash...I got laid off so I think it's only fair that I get laid now dontcha think?
staying jobless fucks with your mind, i say even a part time lousy job is beter than just
sitting around and feel useless
new opportunities always come along when you're in touch with other people and in the
spotlight i.e haiving a job, working some place..

meanwhile if you're looking for freebee sex and thinking having a gf costs you, then your
fist (and freeones!) is your best friend
No I didn't mean that having a girlfriend was expensive, I meant that meeting new people can be expensive.

no you had it right the 1st time women are expensive lol very expensive to keep my ex happy i had to blow alot of money on her but she blew back so i guess it was an even trade

good luck with your life super and follow your dreams
With unemployment as high as it is, you need to get out there and get anything. Even if you have to flip burgers at mcdonalds, just make 'getting a job' your full time job. Keep your ears and eyes open for opportunities whilst making a living and jump on it!

If you're feeling down, just watch some porn or do whatever keeps you happy.


Retired Mod
You should treat unemployment just like a job. You should spend that 8 hours a day; searching for a job, perfecting your resume, making calls, going to job conventions and interviews, etc. Don't waste those 8 hours looking at porn if you really want to work.
Learn an instrument.

Become an alcoholic and start writing bad tempered, nihilistic poetry. That way, if all else fails, at least you can die penniless and alone, but famous like Bukowski.

I'm kidding, man. :D

Aces had some good advice. Good luck, my friend. I'll send some good karma.


The One and Only Big Daddy
You should treat unemployment just like a job. You should spend that 8 hours a day; searching for a job, perfecting your resume, making calls, going to job conventions and interviews, etc. Don't waste those 8 hours looking at porn if you really want to work.

That is what I did when i had no job I'm telling you it really works leave your resume at some job sites that also helps Sorry about the job loss I wish you luck on finding a new one.:thumbsup:
Like Aces, skechers, Skyraider and some others said:
Look for a job, complete your resumé, go to job conventions and interviews, learn something useful or polish some language skills. Just don't sit around and do nothing.
Not only will you waste time, it always looks bad if you have no answer in case someone asks you, what you have done during unemployment.

If you can get a part time job or anything like that, even better.
Take a few days to do something you couldn't do with the responsibility of a job. Take a road trip, visit relatives, go people watching, whatever, just try to spend some time with yourself. Don't tally overlong, though. Maybe do it for a week, and then focus on finding a job. :2 cents:
Take a few days to do something you couldn't do with the responsibility of a job. Take a road trip, visit relatives, go people watching, whatever, just try to spend some time with yourself. Don't tally overlong, though. Maybe do it for a week, and then focus on finding a job. :2 cents:

Follow this first and then Ace & Jacks ideas... Clear your mind and then refocus. Your are young and without a family to worry about, i think. That is worth a ton off your back in its self. You have so much time to rebound from these tough times! These might be hard roads that change your life for the better. So many of us are going through this, even you are very lucky enough to be employed.
