Condoleeza Rice for president 2012!

Not only she's black but she is a very strong intelligent female, neither Colin Powell or Hillary Clinto comes near to her performance! So why should she not run fro president in the distant 2012?

Condoleezza Rice
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Condoleezza Rice (born November 14, 1954) is a professor, diplomat, author, and national security expert. She served as the 66th United States Secretary of State, and the second in the administration of President George W. Bush to hold the office. Rice was the first black woman, second African American (after her predecessor Colin Powell, who served from 2001 to 2005), and the second woman (after Madeleine Albright, who served from 1997 to 2001 in the Clinton Administration) to serve as Secretary of State. Rice was President Bush's National Security Advisor during his first term. Before joining the Bush administration, she was a professor of political science at Stanford University where she served as Provost from 1993 to 1999. During the administration of George H.W. Bush, Rice served as the Soviet and East European Affairs Advisor during the dissolution of the Soviet Union and German reunification.

When beginning as Secretary of State, Rice pioneered a policy of Transformational Diplomacy, with a focus on democracy in the greater Middle East. Her emphasis on supporting democratically elected governments faced challenges as Hamas captured a popular majority in Palestinian elections yet supported Islamist militants, and influential countries including Saudi Arabia and Egypt maintained authoritarian systems with U.S. support. While Secretary of State, she chaired the Millennium Challenge Corporation's board of directors.[1]

In March 2009, Rice returned to Stanford University as a political science professor and the Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution.[2][3]
I am asking for opinions. so far I like her and would be very interesting if she throws her hat in the nomination run! But that is so distant....
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She has my support if she ever decides to run for office.

She has remarkable credentials and accomplishment's.
(sorry for the ignorant response)

she can't because she's a corrupt puppet.

i'd rather a plumber or engineer...or a waiter at a shit restaurant run for president. at least they'd have the majority's concerns at mind.

destroy the world in the name of democracy.
why not? its worked well so far, except the fact that we've been plunged into a depression and not a single citizen has benefited by the atrocities our country has laid about.

hip hip hooorah!
(sorry for the ignorant response)

she can't because she's a corrupt puppet.

i'd rather a plumber or engineer...or a waiter at a shit restaurant run for president. at least they'd have the majority's concerns at mind.

destroy the world in the name of democracy.
why not? its worked well so far, except the fact that we've been plunged into a depression and not a single citizen has benefited by the atrocities our country has laid about.

hip hip hooorah!

Interesting generalized broad opinion, but an opinion....

Hey how did you get that freeones shirt?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
No more fucking neocons!
She is too ugly!!!
Political elections are less important than that of American Idol and/or America's Got Talent.

With that said, no matter what, it seems if they have a friend face, conversational swagger, and appeal to the majority of the public: they are good to go.

Popularity over substance is the key.


Closed Account
It is possible Rice has the best interest of American interests at heart. This is not always a bad thing, but the whole mindset of and motivation behind government has to do an 180 - or at least a 90 - if we or any people are to survive in the future.

People are not the pliable puppets they were in the 1950's.

Also, we do not need another powerwoman. In fact, we don't need anyone with power, greed, or self aggrandisement in such a position of power. Those days will be gone soon.

A woman, yes, but one with interest in building a nation, not a powerbase.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Not only she's black

:confused::confused::confused::confused: Being "black" is now a qualification for being

I would say the most significant quality you should have is that you not suck at your previous, less important job.

Rice was one of the worst Secy. of States in US history IMO. The Georgian fiasco, she turned Pakistan into lesbos on the Taliban and AQ in that they weren't doing dick. Predictions on Iraq were unfounded if not abjectly wrong. US/Russian relations worsened..US stature diminished and was not very credible...and at the end of GWB's term the US was begging it's allies for support in Afghanistan and Iraq.

We won't even go into her travails while she was NSA... I would say let's at least start with people who didn't suck at their previous, high profile positions.:2 cents:
I'd rather see Colin Powell run.

But wouldn't the fact that he was very critical of the Bush administration after he left and that he supported Obama during his run alienate him from what seems like the base of his own party? Yes, he might pick up quite a few conservative democrat votes, but will he win over right leaning republicans?

I doubt it.
But wouldn't the fact that he was very critical of the Bush administration after he left and that he supported Obama during his run alienate him from what seems like the base of his own party? Yes, he might pick up quite a few conservative democrat votes, but will he win over right leaning republicans?

I doubt it.

I'm supposing he forgot about that little nugget....Powell supporting Obama and all.

We shouldn't have said anything....I can see the Colin Powell posters covering his bedroom walls coming down right now. Oh well....;)