Conan O'Brien's "Late Night'' signs off

Will E Worm

Conan O'Brien's "Late Night'' signs off Feb. 20, Jimmy Fallon starts March 2.

NBC's late-night line of succession is set. Conan O'Brien's 12:35 a.m. "Late Night'' show will sign after 15 seasons on Friday, Feb. 20. His replacement, "Saturday Night Live'' alum Jimmy Fallon, takes over on Monday, March 2.

O'Brien moves up, taking over the "Tonight Show'' from Jay Leno on Monday, June 1 (Leno's last "Tonight'' telecast will be Friday, May 29). Starting in the fall, Leno will be the host of 10-11 p.m. Monday-Friday variety-talk show on NBC.

Jimmy Fallon is a fucking joke. If anybody thinks he is funny, you deserve to have a chimp rip your face and/or hands off.

Leno/Conan is better than Conan/Fallon. NBC better Fallon flips a switch somewhere that allows him to start being funny.


Closed Account
Jimmy Fallon is a fucking joke. If anybody thinks he is funny, you deserve to have a chimp rip your face and/or hands off.


I like Fallon, he is a good comedic actor but I dont see him as a good late night host. What I dont get is why Conan has to move to LA, why not just keep it in NY? Just putting more people out of work. :dunno:


Torn & Frayed.
Letterman never seemed to have too much of a problem getting guest in NY. :dunno:

I think he did at first (besides Bill Murray),then as he got more popular,and got higher ratings,his guest choices broadened.

It also may be a situation where Conan doesn't have enough of a say to move The Tonight Show back to New York.

He's got pull in the industry sure,but not that much pull.
I like Conan, but I wonder if they are going to make him "tone it down" for the new time slot. . . some of his skits were really off-the-wall hilarious. . . hope he doesn't get told what he can and can't do!
I like Conan, but I wonder if they are going to make him "tone it down" for the new time slot. . . some of his skits were really off-the-wall hilarious. . . hope he doesn't get told what he can and can't do!

At the end of last night's episode Conan said critics say he will need to "grow up" to have the 11:30 show, but Conan said he's not changing. I really hope he doesn't become lame like Leno.
I'm glad that he's staying on the air and he doesn't change, but the network will probably make him tone it down a little. I remember staying up last just to watch him when I was younger. His skits were always funny and he always had a good interaction with his guests.
I wish Conan still had Andy Richter with him. Great sidekick!


I totally agree.Andy was awesome.I never felt the same about the show after he left.