Some companies in Canada already offer "cable ala carte" for about $4/channel. I would imagine this will be the norm very soon across North America. Netflix and other on demand programming are going to force cable companies to adapt. It's only a matter of time before each viewers television experience is uniquely tailored to their tastes. I could see this being beneficial to advertising companies as well.
Maybe when Obama and Holder get done campaigning for gay rights in Russia and gay marriage in Utah, they might find just two or three seconds to look into the unfair business practices instituted by the cable and satellite operators here in the United States!
Considering the things that seem to (completely) occupy their time lately, what I'm really suggesting is that they both just come out of the closet and get it over with already.
Then maybe they'd feel free to spend just a little bit of time on things that concern the other 90%+ of the population... like middle class job creation, deficit reduction, over-reaching corporations, privacy and fraud on the internet, etc. But most of all (in my best southern accent), my sat-llite bill is too damn high and I ain't gonna take it no more!
Is there an alternative to Cable in America? If you don't want to give into Comcast how else can you get internet?
This is a bad idea.
This is one of the few times I actually agree with the cupcake.
Rey, the companies that offer those services are Telus in western canada and another that is strictly Quebec. Videotron or something like that. I don't think Telus is true pick and pay but videotron is. You pay for a base cable package that is mostly local news and prices start are between $20-$30. I think videotron offers you 5 channels of your choice for $9 or $4/per. Neither of these options are available to me in southern ontario so I can't elaborate as much as you'd probably like. I do know that Canadian government is stepping in and forcing cable companies to stop their bundle bs. Thank goodness for that.