So, let me get it straight. People are complaining that they learn nothing in college except how to breeze through with the least amount of effort. Is that about right?
The real solution to America's Higher Education System.
NO HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE SHOULD GO DIRECTLY INTO COLLEGE. EVERYONE SHOULD SPEND 2 YEARS IMMEDIATLY AFTER GRADUATION SERVING COMMUNITY: cutting trees, shoveling, cleaning up highways, repairing shit, painting shit, cleaning up beaches, digging ditches, planting crops, farming, or working as house keepers for working families with small children who need to work.
Most college freshmen are not interested in college. All they want to do is fuck around, get drunk, do nothing, smoke pot, and eat taco bell. Maybe when students were actually ready to learn they could go to college?
Also, why shouldn't all citizens give back to their community at some point? Is it asking too much for all people to serve their communities for 2 years? I don't think that's a great sacrifice.