Collections? / How Much Porn Do You Own


How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

My picturearchiv is about 200 MB. About 2.000 pictures.
I have (something about...) 20 - 30 pornstars (Charlie Laine, Angel Dark, Lara Craft, Eve Angel, etc.) and than my "blond girls" and a "brunette girls" system.

And than I have a big previews video "thing". Where I have many of these sweet litte 20 - 40 sekunds previews, 500 previews I think. When you got so many, than its not important or to argue that this little clips are so damn short! The most I have Eve Angel (previews).

And how big is yours picturearchiv (pornpictures)?
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

1.31 Gb and most are comics :D

milo manara :D:bowdown:


Closed Account
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

i have about 24 movies, 5.82GB. i dont keep photos because that seems kinda pointless
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

Well, my Blondes collection in pics alone is about 1.8 GB. maybe 200 mb other girls...and I did not even check the flicks!Spare time?Don't know, what does that mean? :D

Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

I got an old PC, it's only got 15 gigs in the hard drive, and I think I got about 2 gigs of pictures and videos and a CD with another crapload of pictures and videos. For some reason my CDR isnt working so I can't transfer what I have in the hard drive into a disc to free up some space.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

i dont keep pictures. the videos i have are probably only about a gig. well i do have one picture.
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

Pictures (including rendered & drawn) = 19557 files with a total size of 3.59 gigabytes.

Movies = 84 files with a total size of 9.21 gigabytes....

I don't know wether I should be proud or ashamed.... As I also have about 80 dvd's...


Closed Account
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

well i suppose you could be proud although You Might seem a little lame, but its deffinatley not something to be ashamed of...

the question is, how much of it do you actually need/watch?
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

On pictures alone i have over 10GB ranging from pornstars to musicians.
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

Well, it's not the porn itself that gives me most joy, it's the organising of my porn...

Anyway, I've seen about half of my DVD collection only once (& I'm trying to keep it that way, since they're extremely crappy). I've watched the movies on my HD multiple times (I only save the stuff I really like, because anything elese is a waste of space) & I've also seen (or will, since I'm organising it, which means that I actually have to see every pic. Since i wouldn't have saved it on my HD if I hadn't seen it, it means I'm going to see them for the second time (& in most cases that number is much higher)) the pics multiple times.
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

I have a little over 200 gigs of porn on my computer (spread over 3 hard drives, because none of them are big enough to hold all of it). Very little of that is pictures, but I do have some. I don't really look at them much.

I like collecting and organizing porn about as much as watching it. I suppose I don't actually need any of it. There are music videos that work well enough (I <3 pussycat dolls vids).
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

Well, it's not the porn itself that gives me most joy, it's the organising of my porn...


Sorted Pics

4.68 GB
45,824 Files / 896 Folders
Unsorted Pics

13.3 GB
90,087 Files / 1210 Folders
Pre-Unsorted (Downloads dir)

22.8 GB
Sorted Vids

73.7 GB
501 Files
~115 GB

Sooo, not a huge amount...
Re: How big is your (porn) picturearchiv on your harddrive?

I don't actually have any pics of the porn on my hard drive. Just search the net for a look if I fancy a quick porn fix.
Right now, 20.4 gigs, 131653 files, movies and pics. Largest ever, little over 40 gigs, disk took a dump.
How big is your archive ?

hey guys! how many sample movies and pictures you have ??
i have 23.177 files in 2.158 folders. Size over 7Gb
please post here how many you have? (please, only sample movies and pictures, not full lenght movies)


what the fuck you lookin at?
Re: How big is your archive ?

movies 70 files at 1.86 gb
pictures 297 files at 32 mb
I'm kinda picky about what I save to my harddrive


Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
Re: How big is your archive ?

Damn I even shocked myself.
26,970 picture files @ 23gb
After seeing those numbers now I feel like I have to delete some