Re: Collection of sexy GIFs
Good point and I will, but I haven't run across any good GIF creators. Which ones are best?
I've yet to study more of the art of making gifs, but I've heard good things about AviSynth and AvsPmod (if you can handle the scripting).
That's the application used to create gifs like this one.
EXAMPLE CODE, this code has been provided with by the creator of the gif above (but isn't the same script as the gif, it's a bit different) to make gifs like that, cred to him/her whomever he/she is.
As a programmer I'm highly interested in testing this out in the near future.
a=BlankClip(length=50, width=1000, height=1000, fps=1, color=$ffffff)
b=directshowsource("e:\Katarina Dubrova hardcore.avi").Lanczos4Resize(300,224).trim(826,900)
c=directshowsource("e:\Katarina Dubrova hardcore.avi").Lanczos4Resize(300,224).trim(9568,9668)
d=directshowsource("e:\Katarina Dubrova hardcore.avi").Lanczos4Resize(300,224).trim(12848,12948)
e=directshowsource("e:\Katarina Dubrova hardcore.avi").Lanczos4Resize(300,224).trim(14405,14505)
Overlay(a, b, mode="blend", opacity=1)
Overlay(c ,y=230, mode="blend", opacity=1)
Overlay(d,y=460, mode="blend", opacity=1)
Overlay(e,x=305 ,y=460, mode="blend", opacity=1)
Overlay(f,x=305 , mode="blend", opacity=1)
If you do try this, please tell me how you fare. :3