I despise the cold. There is no way I would move any farther north than NC. Heck I love summer, I would love to live in Florida.
Winter in NC really sucks because if there's any real significant snow fall,they really aren't equipped to handle it.I used to live there for a spell,so I'm not just talking out of my ass.Putting sand on the ground?I really don't know what that's supposed to accomplish.They really need to look into importing some rock salt.
I prefer the cold winters because at least you can stick another
layer on when it's slightly cold.Instead of sweating your bollocks
off 24/7
The best part about it being really cold, is that you can always put on warmer clothes (or take them all off after finding someone to help warm you). Too hot and you just suffer. I've been all over the US, and into South America, and I wouldn't live anywhere but Canada now. Especially the prairies. Plenty of space, few people, and four full seasons ranging from -40 to +35 degC. Not always comfortable but variety enough for anyone.
I've never really understood this way of thinking.
I'll concede that hot and humid is fucking miserable,but Arizona hot(maybe not the 110+ degrees) is very comfortable.
When it's too cold,there
really isn't any amount of clothes that's going to actually keep you totally warm if you are exposed for any significant length of time.And even if you are all layered up,you can't really move worth a shit.
The human body isn't suited for extreme cold.Case in point,if it's too cold,you put on more clothes,start a fire/turn up the heat in you home,drink coffee or hot chocolate.If it's too hot,really there's only a couple of things that you actually
need to do,take off less clothing and drink plenty of water(and the water really doesn't have to be cold).
My point is that it takes way less effort to actually
survive in temps that are too hot,than to cold.
I'm not trying to tell you that opinion or preference is wrong,like I stated before,I just don't understand the logic.
The only thing that I can really find positive about the cold weather,especially in major cities,is that the crime rate drops.When It's warm/hot outside,it's generally a fucking free for all.