Cold Winter vs Warm Winter (North vs South [America])


  • I like wintery, snowy, cold winters

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • I can't stand cold weather

    Votes: 16 48.5%

  • Total voters
So which do you prefer? Do you like to step out of your house in the afternoon and start sweating from the humid heat like they do in Florida, or would you rather step outside bundled up and have to warm your car up because it's like you stepped into a freezer?

I know the usual response is that people don't like the cold, but I like to think of the positive things about (snowy, cold) winters, like playing hockey outside after they just poured a new layer on the ice, or not having to sweat my balls off because of the humidity (which I hate), and having snow on the ground for Christmas and watching It's a Wonderful Life and feeling what real Christmas feels like.

Other fringe benefits include: leaving your beer outside your window for when you are ready for a cold one; snowmobiling; ice fishing; and knowing the feeling it is to watch the snow melt in the spring and having a new season approach. :)
We've just finished a week of -40 degC weather and I'm hurrying to replenish the wood pile. We don't normally get that weather until january, so it's a bit early this year. Ah well, cold weather keeps the bugs to a minimum! I don't mind it, so long as the wind stays low.


milf n' cookies
I like wintery, snowy, cold winters. It's just sad we don't get these kind of winters where I live.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well, its not that I like -45 weather. Its just I like it more than +45 weather.


Closed Account
Oki if you want to hate on another member, here's the time. In Oregon it is winter, yes, but nothing like the rest of the States. It is cold enough to need to dress warmly, but we might have snow in December. If it ever does snow it only lasts two weeks. Summer is not too hot either.

So, you see, we get the best of both worlds.

:sing: la la la la la la la la :sing:

Yeah I know: :ban:
We've just finished a week of -40 degC weather and I'm hurrying to replenish the wood pile. We don't normally get that weather until january, so it's a bit early this year. Ah well, cold weather keeps the bugs to a minimum! I don't mind it, so long as the wind stays low.

The truth!

Nice. The bugs are entirely gone for sure, which where I live is a nice change from the norm. MN has very humid/warm summers and the coldest winters in the states. There's nothing worse than stepping out of your door mid-summer just to have your scrotum start sweating immediately. Sometimes it gets so humid /hot here in the summer I don't even leave the house.

I bought a nice used set of ski's (cross country) last year but never got around to using them. I need boots. But I can say junior high PE was the best when we got to cross country ski. That was fun, and a damn good workout.


Cold weather, snow is really the best time of the year. Nothing like being able to keep beer outside to stay cold.
I like wintery, snowy, cold winters. It's just sad we don't get these kind of winters where I live.

Believe me when I tell you,if you had to deal with the snowy winters and all the shit that goes along with it every year,you would be a fan of it.It really sucks.

The one thing I really hate about living in Chicago,is living her from December til March.First comes the snow,and more times than not,it's a shit load,followed by the January/February fucking freeze out.

I swear,I got to get the fuck out of here one day to a place more suitable to my climate needs.
I hate cold weather and short days....I'm okay if December is a cold month, come January, I'm ready to wear shorts and flopflops....

I hate how late the sun rises and how early the sun sets just as much as the cold, fwiw...
I despise the cold. There is no way I would move any farther north than NC. Heck I love summer, I would love to live in Florida.
Snow is cold, and once it starts melting when you go inside, it gets wet. Snow is unpleasant and evil. i was born and raised in the south where it never drops below 45. now it's down to like 16.. Fuck the cold lol
I live at 53 degrees of latitude which is North of Winnipeg.We had our first frost this week and it's really cold today-about 35 at the moment.Some places have actually had snow;I saw a snowflake yesterday.