Here MySpace
Vegas the escort is swindle!
Here my conversation with "Сodi" (I simply was amused)
It is possible to order you? Write please)
It's $250 to get me to your room for a totally nude strip show.After that we will discuss your special requests for entertainment and negotiate a tip from there.If this sounds good it will only take me 20 mins to get there! I just need the room number and last name registered and I will be on my way! Thanks,Cody
Красавица, ты занимаешься сексом только с девушками?
Sorry, I dont understand your language!
Excuse the beauty. I am simply casual on Russki have written)) On Anglijski: Codi you have sex only with girls?
Prostitution is ILLEGAL, in Clark County, were Las Vegas is. If you want to see me I will need your hotel information. Hotel name, the name of the registered guest, the date and time to arrive?
Forgive, you have not understood my question. You have sex with men? Yes/is not present? (It is important) at first answer my question, and then I will appoint a place and time. OK?))
I did understand your question and my answer is still the same. Prostitution is ILLEGAL in Vegas!! We discuss all details about entertainment once we are together in your room, not on here or on the phone.
Now I will tell the truth. You will be harms on me. You can abuse me, but I will not change the relation to you. I Andrey Mirovoi. Your fan. I adore you! I simply very much wished to communicate to you. Thanks you! I was not going to order you. What for prostitution is necessary to such beauty as you? You of ANGELA! Have sex with girls, but what for with guys? It is dirty. You not such are pleasant to me. Now I in New york city. When I will arrive in Vegas I will write to you. If you is not against we will meet and will communicate. I WILL begin to cry! For dialogue with you. Any sex. We will simply sit at restaurant. Appointment for money. I think you is very malicious on me. Do not take offence please
We are having a major lauguage barrier. You do not understand me and I know i dont understand you. Once you are here, just email me your room information and we can talk in person, maybe that will be better. Talk to you then,
Obviously it is a forgery ^^
All that I have written about myself lie
Dude, stop spreading bullshit about her and leave her the fuck alone.
Ахаха! lol!! Блядь вы Америкосы такие далбаебы! Я вас всех в рот ебал уебки ! Мне ваша Коди Мило-хуило не сралась блядь! У меня телка в разы красивей!!! АМЕРИКА ГАВНО!!! КАЛИЩЕ ОТБОРНОЕ просто! Ваш призидент Баран Обама блядь!! Я пацталом!!! All Americans bitches! Russia unichtozhet you! Pray shit! США УНЫЛОЕ А ВАШЕГО ПРЕЗИДЕНТА Barack Obama я на хую вертел!!! АХАХА!! :horse:
Codi Milo breasts are natural?