Cody Lane

^ You thought about paying? I would be willing to pay any price for Cody. I would never forget it for the rest of my life thats how amazing Cody is!
You planning on it? And hey u got a link to where you found her ?
I'll be sure to let everyone know if I get the honor to be with Cody. Also I think the only escort anyone should be interested in is Cody! Can't beat her
I dont know why,probably because I always thought she was stunningly gorgeous, but i keep checking up on her under her real name to hopefully read she has turned her life around and she is a nun somewhere in Kentucky and has gotten off the drugs. She has been in and out of jail over the past year or so... She has been arrested again and was booked in literally within the past hour...
1/26/2012 3:32 a.m.
Very sad


Mr. Nice gallery
I dont know why,probably because I always thought she was stunningly gorgeous, but i keep checking up on her under her real name to hopefully read she has turned her life around and she is a nun somewhere in Kentucky and has gotten off the drugs. She has been in and out of jail over the past year or so... She has been arrested again and was booked in literally within the past hour...
1/26/2012 3:32 a.m.
Very sad

I think that she is gorgeous and I wish that she stays drug free and gets her life together I would like to meet her someday. It is sad that she got arrested again
^^ How are you aware of this Mr. Cop? I wish i could fuck her amazing ass in jail while she is on the most hardcore of drugs!! She is and always will be the sexiest pornstar cause she did the hardcore shit no girl ever does anymore :( plus she is so beautiful to go with it!