Coca-Cola Super Bowl Ad: Un-American?


Katharine lee Bates was a lesbian who lived with a woman for 25 years 'til her woman partner died.
She was a Republican who turnef back from the GOP to the Democrats in 1924 because the Republican candidate for President didn't wanted the US to join the League of Nations.

She was more liberal than her time's GOP, much more liberal than nowaday's GOP.
According to the standarts of american conservatives of the 21th century, she wouldn't be a "real" american.

Think about it, conservatives : The woman who wrote "America the Beautiful", was, according to your standarts, a liberal.
Or leave it !

Who fuckin cares, ya idiotic troll.

She's not a candidate for any office, she wrote the lyrics to a song.
And the Democratic Party (The original KKK was completely Democratic Party) until the Kennedy run for the Pres was the most anti civil rights party in the USA. You STILL have your head way up your ass, in spite of my advice to remove it and look around some.

Abe Boobtoucher has you perfectly pegged...
You sound like her Lesbian lifestyle is something are such a hypocritical douchebag.

Libtard Johan said:
According to the standarts of american conservatives of the 21th century, she wouldn't be a "real" american.
Got any actual proof to back up such a stupid claim? Links or anything?



Besides the fact that this country was STOLEN from the natives! Kind of an oxymoron when you think about it.

More revisionist bullshit...that lame idea has been refuted so many times, even here on FOs, that I haveta wonder if you and Eric are twin sons of different mothers...
Bill Cutting to Coca-Cola



Who fuckin cares, ya idiotic troll.

She's not a candidate for any office, she wrote the lyrics to a song.
And the Democratic Party (The original KKK was completely Democratic Party) until the Kennedy run for the Pres was the most anti civil rights party in the USA. You STILL have your head way up your ass, in spite of my advice to remove it and look around some.

Abe Boobtoucher has you perfectly pegged...
You sound like her Lesbian lifestyle is something are such a hypocritical douchebag.

Got any actual proof to back up such a stupid claim? Links or anything?
About her beine a lesbian : "Katharine Lee Bates and Katharine Coman were a devoted lesbian couple."
Judith Schwarz, "Yellow Clover: Katharine Lee Bates and Katharine Coman," Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies, 4:1 (Spring 1979), 59–67. Quote p. 59

About her switching from Republican to Democrats :

A lesbian woman who say she's gonna voite vort the democrats 'cause the Republican don't won the US to join what was at her time the equivalent of the UN, I'm pretty sur the conservatives wouldn't consider her to be a "real" american...


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
America the Beautiful was written by a lesbian. A love of country. Country being a woman. I am an American ergo I am a woman. I love America therefore I am a lesbian.


Closed Account
America the Beautiful was written by a lesbian. A love of country. Country being a woman. I am an American ergo I am a woman. I love America therefore I am a lesbian.

I'm a lesbian, he's a lesbian, she's a lesbian*
we're a lesbian, wouldn't you like to be a lesbian too? :angel1:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
People need something to rail against in life. We all need mortal enemies and villains to crusade against. I can't think of anyone better than Coca Cola.



Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
This commercial really pissed me off. Why can't we just have Americans singing about America? Gonna grab me an American beer, a Budweiser, and kick back and relax. What? It's not owned by an American company? Fine. I'll have a Miller Lite. No? Coors Light? No? Shit. At least Coke is owned by an American company.
This commercial really pissed me off. Why can't we just have Americans singing about America? Gonna grab me an American beer, a Budweiser, and kick back and relax. What? It's not owned by an American company? Fine. I'll have a Miller Lite. No? Coors Light? No? Shit. At least Coke is owned by an American company.

Then start voting for people that want to keep America owned by Americans. Getting pissed about commercials gets zero done. Jobs and industry slowly going overseas......


Last time I checked it was conservatives, not liberals, who didn't liked very much blacks, latinos, arabs, jews, gays, etc...

Must be in France; here in the USA the MOST racist of all, with a long history of being anti minority, are the Democrats/Liberals.
People like yourself, condescending libbie buttheads.