Sorry Scott but this is a contrived overreaction designed to deflect the argument and is totally ridiculous. So some panelist on an op-ed show makes an outrageous suggestion and all of a sudden we're bulldozing Chickamauga and putting Otis Redding on the dollar bill, right? Moving or tearing down statues of people whose aim it was to destroy the union and preserve the institution of slavery is not even remotely analogous to being equivalent to the men who were responsible for laying the cornerstones of our democratic republic. The majority of these statues were erected in the early part of the 1900s after the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling was issued and white supremacists in the south had them placed in conspicuous places like public squares, parks and courthouses as an ominous and imposing warning aimed at uppity negroes to remind them that they had best mind their place. Go look it up if you doubt me. They are racist symbols when used in that fashion and, even if they weren't, Christopher Cantwell made sure that everyone knows they symbolize white supremacy as he and his associates' so colorfully demonstrated in Charlottesvile last Saturday.
These monuments are historic for sure but belong in appropriate places like museums, battlefields and cemeteries devoted to those purposes. No one with any credibility is suggesting that Civil War sites be bulldozed or currency be modified. Constitution in peril? On the contrary, those in the white nationalist movement are the ones seeking to openly destroy the very basic American principles of justice and equality so let's get real about this, take a deep breath and move forward into the 21st century instead of staying mired in the bigotry and hatred of the past, shall we?
It's not an overreaction.
A few things:
Why are these monuments all of a sudden a problem today? Why weren't they a problem 3, 5, 10, 20 years ago? Oh, that's right, they weren't.
Angela Rye is not a fringe lunatic nutjob; she is a person of importance in liberal circles. Her words are very telling about the motives of liberals/communists/Antifa etc.
I would go further: Not only does anything "Washington" or "Jefferson" (or even Abe Lincoln, among many others) need to be whitewashed, so does this country's name and for that matter the name of the entire Continent, "America", since it is the name of a blue-eyed European (Amerigo Vespucci).
In my opinion, EVERYTHING - currency, national name, the name of this Continent - all needs to change if we're going to go down this road.
A good equation is the "Redskins" name. The Redskins name wasn't a problem 10, 15, 25 or 30 years ago. All of a sudden people are offended or hurt by it? GIVE ME A BREAK.
They aren't hurt by it. Nor are these snowflakes alleging all of a sudden all these "monuments" (or whatever they are) need to come down are hurt. They aren't hurt; they are being ASSES for the sole purpose of being ASSES.
Now the slippery slope thing...I will say, just do away with all of it. I don't even give a fuck anymore. Maybe it will finally wake up middle-America.
I am as conservative as it gets on here, believe me, but I honestly truly thing that these Antifa/communists/liberals need to start pursuing all the removals indicated above. As Dennis Miller said: "the country is gone, it is lost".
The fact that this country damn near elected a communist in Sanders just a year ago - after tens of thousands died fighting communism just less than 50 years ago - indicates to me that is the direction this country is headed.