you have a multi-racial daughter who accepts the fact that her father is a white supremacist. That's just incredibly sad if it's true. She must be scared to death of you and probably hates you behind your back but is intimidated enough to keep it hidden from you would be my guess. I sure would if I were her. You're single too if I recall, right? Probably a damned good reason for that too. And, as far as I am concerned, xfire can speak for me anytime, just like you seem to have an ally or two that backs your bullshit up from time to time so leave him alone if you want to fight with me. You don't bully me so telling me to "go to hell" gets translated as "I don't have a comeback" to everyone here who reads it.
The fact that you are a self-professed white nationalist should be qualification to be banned, yes. That's racist, plain and simple. Me leveling that accusation is simply the truth and, not to blatantly steal this hackneyed line from A Few Good Men but, you can't handle the truth.
I am white and a nationalist.
I suspect that your commentary about my daughter is a bit of projection. You mentioned your multi racial grandchildren once.
It is also uncalled for and could be construed as a personal attack on me.
Quite frankly it has been noted that your sabbatical from the board is due to not being able to understand or handle opposing opinions that are not from a moderate tilt. If they are from the far right, Jagger gets all bent out of shape.
Sorry but political discussion is not pretty when diametrically opposed views line up against each other.
I have the sneaking suspicion had the election gone the other way, you would have been on the board the very next day telling everyone to deal with it,accept it and move on. With just a hint of gloating mixed in.
You need to educate yourself about nationalism
I am an unapologetic nationalist steeped in borders, language, culture and patriotism.
Not racism.
That is your problem.
I also find it interesting that you just assume that because my daughter is multi racial that she could not hold nationalist views.
You may want to examine your own biases in the near future. Your slip is showing.