Clinton Photobombs Trump

I meant will the painting hang there for 8 years of a trump presidency.

That wrong link is a Clinton/trump aides clash.

It was a short video of trump greeting kids at the wh it seemed, and painting of Hillary was present. No one was looking at it. It was just a painting on the wall. Was it staged, I do not know.

It was no doubt from her service as first lady to America while married to SLICK WILLY.


Hiliary 2020
Alright a CNN article. Why not just show the video?
I wont click on it.
They already have enough Chinese Click Bots doing that for them in order to defraud their advertisers.
I guess your talking about Trump surprising the children at the White House with the portrait a Hilly Boo Boo right in front of the camera?.
Of course he did it there on purpose. Rubing it in her face. He's there, she's not.