If you choose not to wear a seatbelt, it should be a ticket or at least higher insurance wise. It is a proven saftey device that save lifes!
Those of us here in America have heard this saying a lot over the past year or so. I love how they claim Bullshit. Its all about making money plain and simple.
I think if they really want us to believe it was about saving lives they should call it "Click it, or Die!" That would send a much stronger message.
"not wearing seat belts" (against laws), talking on the phone while driving (against laws), typing on their MDTs while driving (against laws)...
IMO, among the most stupid things anyone can ever do is:
1. Smoke cigarettes
2. Not wear a helmet on a motorcycle/bike
3. Not wear a seatbelt
With that said, we shouldn't need laws to regulate these behaviors. If people aren't smart enough to do the right thing, they deserve to live with the possible consequences of their actions.
hold on for a second, not wearing a seat belt doesn't endanger anyone but the person that is not wearing it.
But, yapping on the phone and typing on their smartphone's while driving has been proven to be a distraction to the driver. This on the other hand is endangering others because of distracted-selfish behavior that does not give the driver full focus on driving.
Well Airbags are a lot more dangerous and cause a hell of a lot more problems than they are worth, I actually have the airbags in my Jeep disabled.
The last Jeep I had got messed up when a idiot talking on his cell phone in a dully ran me off the road, my FUCKING airbag deployed blinding me and I ended up runing into a fucking tree. If the god damn, piece of shit, fucking stupid, air bag had not deployed when I left the road I would have been able to see and would not have hit anything! On top of that my nose was broken (by the damn airbag) and I could not smell anything but the cordite from the blasting cap used to deploy it for a week. NO I was not sitting too close to the steering wheel as I am over 6' tall.
My seatbelt which I have always buckled even before starting a vehicle is what saved my ass from flying out the windshield, the stupid airbag (and the idiot on his cell phone) is what created the need for having the seatbelt on.
So yea I say ticket the assholes who don't buckle up, cause if your in a state that has dwc laws the officers might be able to write em a ticket for talking on the damn phone too!
An interesting point though they had to stop the campaign years ago that had someone dressed as a peace officer saying he had never unbucked a dead person from a seatbelt because some organization pointed out that in some very rare accidents (like rollovers, ones involving a fire and others that fit in with these which make up about 1%) people have died with thier seatbelts on.
Not true.hold on for a second, not wearing a seat belt doesn't endanger anyone but the person that is not wearing it.
I think cell phone use is WAY more dangerous than not wearing a seatbelt.
Every time you see a mother fucker on a cell phone they are swerving or going too slow.