clean shaven or Hair

Clean shaven or Hair (any style)

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Pubic hair is was makes a woman look like a woman and not a prepubescent little girl.

Of course when it's right there in front of your face, all preference goes right out the window.

I couldn't agree with you more.

I personally like it when they have some hair :D
I like a little bit of hair down there. I prefer that they not be bald, but then again I don't like too much hair.
Bald,no hair at all!

Pubic hair is was makes a woman look like a woman and not a prepubescent little girl.

Eh,well so far I`ve been able to tell the difference even with their clothes on...

I think hairless pussy makes a woman look more feminine and sexy,opposite to hairy,ugly men.
You don`t want them to have hairy legs or armpits either,right? :)
If they are totally clean shaven there is no place for pubic lice to hold on to and propagate. That's a plus in my book.
my girl has hair....i hate it so much, but i dont wanna say anything cuz i know she'd take it offensively, plus she already said (without me saying anything) that she was gonna get rid of it just waiting for that


Nikkala made me do it!
I like neatly trimmed - it shows a woman cares about her appearance. Shaved looks too ... juvenile! ;)
Until I saw the word "jungle" I assumed the thread was about hairstyles. I shave my head. My doctor has suggested I do a hair analysis test, so I have to keep the bush 'till June... though it's not like I've been gettin' any, so itz no big deal lol
my girl has hair....i hate it so much, but i dont wanna say anything cuz i know she'd take it offensively, plus she already said (without me saying anything) that she was gonna get rid of it just waiting for that

If you ask her whether she'd like you to shave yours off too if she does it that might encourage her to do it; she'll either think your just being funny and rather thoughtful or that your genuine (in which case you'll have to go through with but no pain no gain as they say, and that's be honest who of us hasn't wanted to try it(?!)...), unless of course she thinks your a mean bastard who won't actually go through with it :D
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Clean shaven of course, but a little hair is also not such a problem, but not to much please.. don't want to get lost in the forest.