Clay Aiken just announced that he was gay

i have never seen the guy but judging from what ive heard from family guy and various american modern jokers he's was a fruit to begin with.

anyway, congrats to him for openly admitting being gay! up the ass or not, it's always a big thing being personal imho!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It means happy, or at least originally...
i really dont want to be an ass, but vodka and not getting laid usually ends up with that.

anyway, that whole explaining gay means happy thing is really old. and actually, it's gai if you mean the french word.

hmm.. don't downrep me please :(
im a good guy when i dont speak my mind


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
.UNLIMITED BAD REP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
Here's a shocker: I like beer


Closed Account
and collectively the world said "No shit". New and exciting news.


I hate to sound like a total Prick, but that is exactly what I thought. No offence, but all over the Westernized world, the media feeds us way too much 'whoa, who gives two shits?" celeb bullshit news.

Dear God that honestly cracked me up.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Its a state of mind. Im going gay tomorrow evening, me and a few buddies are going to hit the local 'hot' spots ;)

Are you cheating on me you bastard!!!???? :D


I fucking new he was gay from the first time i saw him on tv


Are you sure you just don't jerk off to gay porn? I'm American and all I know about clay aiken is that he was on idol.

There is nothing else to know about Clay Aiken except he was on Idol.

Although you seem to believe he was in gay porn. How you come upon that piece of information, I do not know.


Closed Account
Clay Aiken??????????????? Gay?????????????? Get out out of here Clay, you seemed like a typical heterosexual guy.:1orglaugh

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
It would be a breaking story if C.Aiken said he WASN'T gay!! :rolleyes: he literally sucks ass (no pun intended) he has no talent IMO! :rofl2: