Clay Aiken just announced that he was gay

and collectively the world said "No shit". New and exciting news.
Yeah the more gay men become the more women out there for non gay!

Next big news will be Ricky Martin annoucing that he's gay.
Yeah the more gay men become the more women out there for non gay!

Next big news will be Ricky Martin annoucing that he's gay.

During an interview, a few years ago, when asked about his sexual orientation he declined to comment on his sexuality. So I thought he declined to let the world know he is gay.
I guess it took him to father a child to figure out that he would rather be sucking on dicks.

I'm about as surprise to hear this as if someone were to tell me that Bush is actually a bad president.
not really news, and it's not a big deal at all. It still does take some guts to stand up and say it to the world, and that's good for him, but shitty for the rest of society.

It's like the interracial thing. The fact that people much so much emphasis on it shows how backwards they are acting like it should make some sort of difference. gay, straight, black, white, it's all just people and what they do. Hopefully someday we can just get on with it and stop concentrating so much on petty shit that doesn't matter.