Teri Weigel! Still does a few scenes a year. Teri is a probably the most beautiful woman doing porn or has ever done porn. Would love to see her continue for another 15 years. Would like to see her do something different then the typical scene so does over and over again, but she is a Classic.
There is NO way Teri Weigel could be classified as the most classic or stylish Pornstar. I think she is beautiful, but you can't be the most classic when you are only concerned about money. Your performance's are usually sub par with fake screaming and trucker talk all the time. Plus the fact that she is a well seasoned 10 year escort/prostitute which takes her out of the running.
Julia Ann is an awesome choice, because she has had a long career in front the camera, always raising the bar of her performance's and so beautiful.
My choice would be Lisa Ann, sexy, hot, beautiful and always in the fore front of the adult industry. A pure [as can be in this industry] classic act!
The only true thing that would knock someone out of the running in this discussion is you can't be an escort/prostitute and be the most classic, stylish Pornstar.