Classic Lunch Boxes!!!


Postal Paranoiac
Hey...if Dino can start crazy-assed threads, so can I. So, how about it? What were some of your favorite lunch boxes as a kid...or now, as the case may be.



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Bronze Member
Now you got me started!!!

I have learned in my apprentice-years as a painter, sandwiches taste WAY better after they have been in a lunchbox for some hurs. How many hopurs and other EXACT parameters, that has yet to be decided.

Right now, I have a pretty boring, plastic, yet almost airtight lunchbox.

It does not satisfy me. Now you have triggered something, dude!


Closed Account
I had the classic Ariel Rebel lunch box. :D Okay, so that's not true.
But seriously, I think the only lunch box I had was in the 1st grade and it was a space-themed one. It wasn't affiliated with any movie or TV show. After that it was just brown paper bags.


first time I brought in bean and bacon soup in a new thermos, I was let go from work.
first time I decided to do thermos instead of roach coach.

first time I decided to use the bathroom and dribble some urine I was hired after looking for work for 8 months,

used bags for lunch at school