Look folks, you're born with a foreskin. It's there for a reason. Health reasons my arse!! Unless it's something like it's too tight, which is legitimate reason for having it removed, leave it the fuck alone. If you wash it properly every day like everything else there's no problems with cleanliness. Maybe in really hot climates or something there could be issues I dunno.
And maybe we should spare a thought for those who had it done at birth and didn't get a choice.
i agree 100%
cant believe the stupidities i read on this thread,
only you americans are still doing this torture to
babies for one reason only:esthetics and its certainly not a good reason
since a hard dick,circumsized or not,looks the same.
30% of men worldwide has had the operation,mostly for religious purposes.
the HIV studies(saying that you have more chance of gettind aids if you are uncircumcised )was done in africa,and wiki states clearly that the study,does not really aplly to america.and even if it apply to america,would be stupid enough to not wear a condom because you are circumcised
and one thing is sure,and no study denies it,theres a loss of sensibility,so please stop the non-sense
its there for something!!