There is also evidence to suggest that the opposite is also true... (circumcision leads to lower sensitivity and feeling).Apparently circumsized means 25% more feeling in the shaft.
Perhaps not at the moment, but later...sure why not. I wasn't put on this earth to butter peoples ego's just to get laid or give people confidence.Just like a lot of girls will tell men they're the biggest, the best, the most studly they've ever had... hey, we tell our lovers they're the best or one of the best even if they're not, right? Or at least I do. I want to make them feel good about themselves, give them more confidence. I think a lot of men do that. You can be damn sure a lot of women do too. Some women prefer whichever "type" they have at that moment. Would you tell a brunette ready to give it up to you that you prefer blondes if she asked? Hmm.