The overall procedure in the picture is labiaplasty (the lips) and I guess this woman elected to have a circumcision too - I don't know the story behind the pic. But at least in the United States, and the rest of the developed world, it's not a case of a guy doing it to his wife. The woman has to elect to have the surgery (for whatever reason). So let me ask, have you ever seen how circumcisions are performed on male babies? And if you have, would you say that the mother who stands by while that barbaric procedure takes place on her child should have her clit cut off? And if not, why not?
Again, what adults do with and to their bodies, I have nothing more than an opinion... no matter how objectionable, useless or silly I may think the procedure is. But when dealing with children or babies, who are too young to make up their own minds, I believe that it's well past time for legislation to be put in place to protect BOTH sexes. If I'm not mistaken, San Francisco (of all places) is one of the few places in the United States to attempt legal action to deal with this barbaric practice, protecting both male and female children. But in the face of opposition by certain religious groups, I don't believe they've been successful. Not sure. I haven't kept up with their progress in awhile.