Funny I didn't share my trailer here?? And HATERS did you know there are thousand of other girls and dvds out there to make you happy???
So Fuck the norm, I can't understand
Live my life, by the rules of no one
I am me, that can't be wrong
I do what I do, when I do, that's how I like it
Conformity, amputate my soul
Made of stone, smashed the mold
Indifferent, so fuck you all that
Whine, bitch, nag, complain, cry
Fuck you all, that won't understand
Be a man, no more and no less,
I'm just me, no matter what you say,
I am, who I am , what I am, that's how I like it
Typical, fucking lifeless clones
My attitude, embrace my own
I don't care, so just walk away and live your
Dull, dead, bland, boring, life
Have a wonderful day!