chunky sperm - a question for the males

There are factors outside of normal biology that influence the consistency of semen. An example would be BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), which is an enlargement of the prostate due to hormonal changes (e.g., age) and/or medicinal intake. A swollen prostate can occur from infection and other variables as well, just as other organs involved in seminal volume are prone to changes.
Food intake has the most directly influence on taste ...

Ok, I've wondered about this for a long time. What makes (male) cum a certain consistency, texture, etc? Is it what you eat, or how much water you drink? Are there other factors?
Although period between ejaculations has great effect on consistency, thickness, amount, etc..., recent food intake has the most effect on taste.

For me, it affects whether or not I swallow it. Sounds silly, but I hate eggs, and when cum is the consistency of the white part of the egg, I want to throw up, because the texture and the way it feels in my mouth remind me of eggs.
Consistency can have a lot to do with food intake, especially the amount of water (thinner) or amount of sugar (sticky).

Even with a certain guy, it varies. With my fiance sometimes it's really thick and sticky, but other times it's more watery and thin.
While thickness is typically related to period between orgasms as well as more recent water intake, stickiness is clearly related to sugar intake. Stickiness typically means sugar, and it tastes better, although it all depends.

I've also noticed color variations between males...some is more white than others.
Remember, the amount of water intake affects the color anyone's urine. The more water, the less yellow the urine. The less water, the more yellow the urine.

The piping is the same for urine as semen, which is sperm + seminal fluid. So some urine can mix into the seminal fluid, especially if the male has a fuller bladder (the relaxation of the muscles causes some release) or recently used the bathroom (left in the piping) and had very yellowish urine.

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but inquiring minds want to know...
Before engaging in heavy, oral sex, have your partner continue lots of fruits or other sugars, and avoid proteins, especially anything diary-based, at least going back 9-12 hours, if not a full 15-18 hours (I don't have statistics to back this up, but that's been my experience). Fruits with lower acidity, such as minimal or no citrus or citric acid, are most ideal, as they don't add the tart.

Most people, my wife included, prefer Pineapple or Pineapple juice over any other.
When I had to give a "sploog" sample a few years ago was told the consistency varies with the frequency of ejaculation. Such as if it is a "good outing" of multiple sessions, then the more times we do it, the more liquidy it gets. Here is a good site for describing the science and myths behind it. Oh yeah, almsot forgot, I've heard that eating pineapple does wonders for making it taste better for your partner


The distance a man shoots his ejaculation, how thick or watery it is, the taste of it, the colour, the smell and all the other things all depends on the life style of the man.

When was the last time he ejaculated?
how active is he? does he exercise or participate in sports on a regular basis?
Does he get a balanced diet or does he support fast food restaurants?
does he drink a lot of alcohol, smoke cigarettes or weed?
does he drink enough water?
does he eat sweet sugary foods?

all of the questions will help you have a better ejaculation all around

eff that. it's bad enough a woman is going to constantly tell me what to do, she's going to tell my sperm too? imagine if men were so pickey? most guys are like "do you have a vagina? Ok then, I will perform oral sex on it." end of story.
I can honestly say I don't know, cause I don't care. I'm in the minority camp that finds oral sex of any kind gross and it makes me want to vomit. My dick only belongs and goes in 2 places, her pussy or her ass, and if I go to blow my load, its always with a condom on, and no fluid makes contact with the other. I never seem to produce large amounts of cum at all ever, and that's totally fine with me.


Lol Captain! You balk at dick in her mouth, but stuffing it up her shitter's okay?

Different strokes, I guess.

I watch enough porn to suspect those guys all follow a certain kind of regimen, like maybe lots of fluids. Their load is much more watery than mine. My shit is heavy goo.


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I can honestly say I don't know, cause I don't care. I'm in the minority camp that finds oral sex of any kind gross and it makes me want to vomit. My dick only belongs and goes in 2 places, her pussy or her ass, and if I go to blow my load, its always with a condom on, and no fluid makes contact with the other. I never seem to produce large amounts of cum at all ever, and that's totally fine with me.

Well, you just blew your chances. LMAO No pun intended. ;)

Chunky is the way I like my peanut butter not what comes out of my body.. I wonder if you did not release it for a long time if it would get that way.
My dick only belongs and goes in 2 places, her pussy or her ass, and if I go to blow my load, its always with a condom on, and no fluid makes contact with the other.
That would go against my "Biblical Theory." ;)

The male penis ... it's not merely designed for intercourse ...

Give me a hair, flooded bush ... I go nuts everytime.
I've found the perfect woman to match, and we like it messy and oral.
In fact, we fight over who is going down on who -- we are both very selfish in serving!
I had a girlfriend tell me once that diet depended on how it tasted(not like i would know), I'm not sure if it effect consistency. She also said if I drank pineapple juice it the taste was better:wave:
K, I gotta ask, anybody get like, for lack of a better word, pulp in their cum?

Like, little stringy bits of like.....

Remember Gak?


Like that.

Once every like, 2 months, I'll have a cluster of pulp.

It's trippy.


knows petras secret: she farted.
K, I gotta ask, anybody get like, for lack of a better word, pulp in their cum?

Like, little stringy bits of like.....

Remember Gak?


Like that.

Once every like, 2 months, I'll have a cluster of pulp.

It's trippy.

good for you for asking. yes, i believe i know what youre talking about, i havent seen that in mine for a long time now, but then again, im not looking anymore. it usually ends up inside of my girl in one way or the other.
I like that it's different textures some times, i love the taste, the feel, everything about cum. I can only think of one time it bothered me and it was with my ex and it reminded me of snot and kind of grossed me out.


knows petras secret: she farted.
I like that it's different textures some times, i love the taste, the feel, everything about cum. I can only think of one time it bothered me and it was with my ex and it reminded me of snot and kind of grossed me out.

well, hey, one time aint bad. other than that you love it? i say, way to go! or rather, can i be your friend? :lovecoupl