No link to her HBO itw?

I didn't find the full interview on internet too, sorry...I hope someone else could help.


Short video: Christy Mack pole dancing at Spearmint Rhino - City of Industry:

Some recents pics part 1:

Some recents pics part 2 (attention graphic pictures on the last page (page4), the last pic is Corey Thomas):

About her assault/domestic violence situation:

Christy Mack tells HBO that War Machine used an "arsenal" of MMA skills against her:

"I don't remember the first hit, I just remember him charging at me. I could taste the blood in my mouth. I was going in and out of consciousness. At one point, he had kicked me so hard in my side that it ruptured my liver. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't catch my breath and I started convulsing. At that point, I felt like I was going to die."

"I knew I should have left," Mack said. "I knew I should have left from the very beginning. You don't always do the right thing."

Mack also alleges in the interview that War Machine was constantly abusing steroids during the course of their relationship and said that his mood would shift dramatically while he was on the performance-enhancing drugs.

"I would see him shoot steroids into his arm really frequently," Mack said. "I could tell the difference when he was using steroids and when he wasn't."

While many domestic violence cases end with no charges being pressed against the alleged culprits, Mack says she's determined to press forward with her case with War Machine if for no other reason than self-preservation because she knows what will happen if he is ever let out of jail.

"Because if he ever gets out," Mack said, "He will kill me."

Mack goes on to say that during her on-again, off-again relationship with War Machine, he regularly put her in a chokehold — a move common in his sport — and that she never fought back when he allegedly attacked her because she knew she could not defend herself.

“I still have a few more surgeries to go through and a lot of healing time,” Mack said. “I don’t have my permanent teeth yet, either. While I have made a tremendous recovery in this amount of time, I think a lot of this is because I want to be better.”

War Machine did not agree to be interviewed by Real Sports, but he did send a lengthy letter to the program in which he claimed that he was the true victim. War Machine makes the argument that if it weren’t for the media attention given to the case that he would be facing a mere 2-5 years in jail.

Lawyers for War Machine have attempted to reach an agreement resulting in 2-5 years of jail time for their client, Mack and the prosecution refused these offers. The case has yet to come to trial but when it does they will be seeking much more jail time.

“I make an easy villain,” said Scott, reading War Machine’s words from the letter. “I’m outspoken. “I’m a professional fighter. I’m a felon. I have tattoos and my nickname is War Machine. This has turned into a gold mine for her. She’s raised over a $100,000 for her bills, yet she has full coverage and needs no surgery. No one in this story is innocent. We are dealing with a money-making publicity stunt and an irresponsible, overzealous court, and tons of bullshit.”

Mack first gave a response to War Machine’s “goldmine” remark, saying,”I don’t understand how I can be making so much money If I can’t work. I haven’t been able to make public appearances until recently. The money that was raised — a huge portion of it was donated to charities of my choice and funded one of my friends, Joy, who went with me to the “Face Forward” charity event. I flew her out. She now has her own charity, “Empowered and Beautiful,” which I completely funded.”.

“As for him being made out to be a villain because he has tattoos and he is a fighter, I have tattoos and I was a porn star,” Mack told Scott. “What makes him more of a villain than me? The point is: He broke the law. That’s what makes him the villain. It’s not his job or his looks, it’s the fact that he did something wrong. As for all the counts, I believe that all the counts are valid or they wouldn’t have stood. His attorney asked for two to five years and, of course, the DA’s office asked me how I felt about it and I told them I was not comfortable with it. There was no way I would feel comfortable with him getting out in five years and not killing me. So, I told them the only way I would feel comfortable with was 15 to 20, so that is what they are standing with.”

The past year has taken a tremendous toll on Mack, who said, “every day a part of me wants to quit.” But, she is determined to see the whole legal process through for a very important reason, which is quite unsettling when you hear her say it.

A “Property of War Machine” tattoo was once displayed on her right shoulder, but Mack had it covered up with a different one. And she now sports a shaved head, which she says is a symbol of rebirth.

"I don't want to be known as that girl who got her ass beat," she declared. "That is not what I want to be known as. I want to be the strong beautiful woman that I was before."

HBO will air reruns of the "Real Sports" segment throughout the months of July and August.
You can see the entirety of the interview and the rest of the Real Sports report on domestic violence in MMA at

War Machine’s trial is due to start on 28 September.
Some recent pics:

nikkilopezmua doing the Christy Mack makeup:

At @1077thebone:

Old short video at @revolttattoos:

You probably already seen it, but it's here:

Full HBO interview:

Only the small parts that HBO had put on youtube but I can't see the full version because HBO blocked this video in my country.