modelagent 4 u, as for the pics, they were in a thread started by another poster in the Talk forum, so I just reposted and linked them in the Christina thread. As for why Christian hasn't been featured in Maxim/Playboy/Penthouse, the biggest reason is that she just isn't that well known. Yeah, her thread here is 28 pages or so long, but that's not much in terms of being well known. She probably isn't anywhere near Maxim or Playboy's radar, and as for Penthouse, these days they only use porn stars in their photo shoots, (which is a really stupid policy, but that's just my opinion.), and since Christina seems ot be moving towards doing hardcore at about the speed of a glacier, I doubt she'll be in Penthouse anytime soon. Another reason is that the amount of money she'd get for doing a Penthouse photo shoot wouldn't make up for the stress it would put on her life. She does live in Florida, which isnt the most liberal of states.'