

eh... I was just mirroring the sentiment in Ax3C's first post.

So, in essence, you were being the very thing you're accusing ME of ...


Had you been less confrontational, I would've gladly debated you. These people on here know I enjoy debates and I will hold my ground. I give just as good as I get.

@ the "others":

As for the innocuous remarks about me posting negative comments to people (without directly mentioning my name)?

Get over it. It doesn't affect you in any way. You have no reason to even assume shit about ME ... you don't know me or what I stand for nor do I know you. You have no idea what I'm like in real life and I really have no inclination to ever reveal that to you ... so just get over it.

I'm out, people. Y"all succeeded in cementing my opinion of why religion shouldn't be brought up on this board.
Holy fuck.
I thought this was the fun page.
I wish you guys would start a new link in another forum and stop spoiling the joke.

The two correct posts are great.
lol, great pics. Just because you believe in the christian religion doesn't mean you cant laugh at a joke about it. I mean come on it is a bit far fetched. Its just a joke and in NO way should offend anyone.


lol, great pics. Just because you believe in the christian religion doesn't mean you cant laugh at a joke about it. I mean come on it is a bit far fetched. Its just a joke and in NO way should offend anyone.

Okay ... let's consider that for a moment, shall we? Let's even take it a LOT further then.

Is being called a "******", "wop", "****", "kraut, "******", "wet-back", "abe", "coon", "ape", "Aunt Jemima", "jigaboo", "slope", "camel jockey", "chink", "coolie", "sand ******" or a thousand other ethnic and racial slurs funny and just for shits & grins???

Was the extermination of MILLIONS of Jewish men, women, and children at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka jsut a figment of our imaginations and a poor joke on the part of the Nazis???

Was the "Trail Of Broken Tears" just a vacation, after all???

Yeah, let's consider EVERYTHING that people hold dear and revere and respect just a fucking joke. Let's just completely obliterate and erase and kill everything that makes us fucking HUMAN.

Do you people even fucking have hearts or consciences??? YES, it offended me. And I shouldn't have to sit here and defend MYSELF or MY FAITH to ANY of you motherfuckers who are making fun of me and my beliefs.

You don't wanna believe??? FINE. Don't believe. I have no issues with that. I don't force MY fucking views down YOUR throats, so why the fuck should I sit here and be silent when I'M the one being fucking attacked from every corner by people who are angered that I spoke up to some fucking antagonistic fucking ass-wipe who got all pissed off because I simply said something I fucking felt in my heart.

Most of you who have posted in this thread - the long-term members, at least - KNOW that I will debate ANY fucking topic and hold my own. I bow to no one. I'm 37, almost 38 years old. I served in the Marine Corps; I've bled for my country and kin. I've lost money and my home ... and have still fucking scratched my way back to a level of comfort.

I'm NOT ashamed of my faith in Christ. When every other motherfucker abandoned me, I still had my faith. And it was MY FAITH that brought me back from the fucking dead.

I really could give a shit what you faceless entities think about me or my views. I'll never meet any of you ... and if I do, I'd probably smile and shake your hand ... 'cause that's how I am.

When belfast posted this thread, I p.m.'d him and told him I wasn't making a personal attack on him. HE AND I ARE COOL. We always have been. It's that other idiot motherfucker who started the shit ... not me. I'm not gonna back down when someone attacks me or my views or my way of life. Y'all are fucking crazy if you believe that.


Oh ... and for all of you cowardly assholes who keep p.m.'ing me and calling me a loser and a whole bunch of other shit ... I pity you. You're all nothing more than pathetic little Internet bullies who have a limited span of intelligence and comprehension.



I liked the two 'jokes' posted. Though I imagine the image in the first one may have been a bit much for some Christians. The words were sufficient.

The second one was 'funnier'. But I thought the first one was more interesting.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think everyone has a right to choose his way of life - and find his / her inner peace after his own fashion. But why are we so eager to hack at each others about this? That's just a stupid waste of time.

A second point I noticed: It is stupid to threaten somebody on a open message board. Seriously, what are you going to do? Curse someone? There is a ridiculous thing someone did when he felt insulted:

Taunted as a 'nerd,' sailor drives across USA and burns down man's home

Are you willing to go to that point? Some folks in here sure sound that way...
I, myself am a follower of the christian faith, but even I still find it funny. I do believe in a god and the teachings of Jesus Christ. But do I believe the gospel of the bible? Hell no! That would be like believing in the story of Paul Bunyan. The gospel was the way people in mesopotamia were able to "rationalize" phenomena. Just like anciemt Greek lore it is highly exagerated. I think most of the moral values it teaches us are good things and the gospel is merely an entertaining way of showing it
yeah it is. Religion is just one of those topics that get people all excited. To each his own I say. Whether your christian, muslim, atheist, or even a jedi(an actual recognized religion in canada. I swear.) we all enjoy looking at hot sluts have sex. Btw, dave_rhino, the chick in your sig has an amazing ass. Who is she?
Xstain keyboard warriors?? Whats this internet coming to? :crash:

Your keystrokes scare few Gunny. Intimidation and false promises of fire and brimstone have long been tools of the Right Hand bullies....I say :sleep:

Before you knot up your blousing straps, ask yourself "would Jesus type this??"



  • PahamSesat.jpg
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be who you are, live how you live....the only person that truly understands this is YOU. It is childish and futile to start, or even interject in a conversation that so many people hold so close to them. It always results in hostility. Religion is a double-edged sword....if a person doesnt want hostility, they shouldn't mock it, and if someone doesnt want to be chastised for their beliefs, they shouldn't give another person the pleasure of a response, their is no useful result that can come of these altercations. Be an INDIVIDUALIST, and believe in what YOU believe b/c it makes YOU stronger, not b/c it makes for a better argument.......I am taking no sides, but I've thought about these issues incessantly since childhood, there is no means to an end.

Blake, I agree with most of your opinions especially your first statement, however I know there is an end to this argument if both sides were willing to acknowledge the facts that the agnosticism concept states: it is wrong to be certain of anything unverifiable. In this case, both anyone who believes absolutes (God does/doesn't exist) is wrong. If everyone was willing to acknowledge these facts then every theist or atheist would be agnostics as well, now what a nice world that would be if people weren't sure of everything! Contrary to popular belief, agnosticism is not middle ground between any belief, but is between absolutes.

Atheistic and theistic religions exist and simply saying "religion is bad" is expressing ignorance. Not every religion has a god and not every theist belongs to a dogmatic religion.

Finally, asinine and dogmatic religions such as Christianity and Islam should indeed not be respected based on their merits...which are none and nihl. However, please don't take that Richard Dogma(Dawkins) vendetta on "religion" and make personal attacks on something which you don't understand. Debating God which people who ignorant on the reality of the existence of God is pointless and this is applicable to both the atheists who deny God(most atheists do not deny God) and theists who are equally as dogmatic.
there's a very interesting documentary called "The God Delusion" it's great, it was made by Richard Dawkins...
mmm u can google it up i'm kinda tired right now its very cool CHECK IT OUT!:sleep:
Ok guys calm down. Religion is a form of control lets be honest here. The truth is you don't need a guy or women in a fancy robe to tell you what's right and wrong. You know and what you decide to do is you choice and that's what you're tested on. I believe in a God that watching and tests everyone but I'm not going to fear God because I love God. How can you fear what you love? If any of you know Tyler Perry, he make funny, sad, and moving Christian plays and because his plays have alittle bit of adult humor and situation another preacher wants to judge him and call him a sinner. This preacher judges books by their covers. He says that men who wear dresses or ear rings or stuff like that are sinning. Point is just live your life the best you can, stop judging others and do the right thing. It's that simple.


Is somewhere outhere.
Before you knot up your blousing straps, ask yourself "would Jesus type this??"


He proberly thought it when he was left hanging there on that fateful day.Something
in the line of "I've taking this thing too far".

You would think Jerhovahs witnesses would think the same thing berfore they start
rattling your front door :eek: :fight: :wave2: