
yeah it makes sense...


Some of us DO indeed believe in the Holy Trinity, the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and life eternal in Heaven. :) :hatsoff: :thumbsup:

Do I mock what you believe in? (simply a rhetorical question ... not meant to target YOU, belfast ... we're cool.)


It's a shame that this Board has to always endure this shit. I'm sick of seeing religion being discussed here, quite frankly. We all have different systems of belief. Why not just fucking leave it at that ... and agree to fucking disagree, folks? The world would be a better place if we just left people alone and let them believe whatever the fuck they wanted to believe.
Some of us DO indeed believe in the Holy Trinity, the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and life eternal in Heaven. :) :hatsoff: :thumbsup:

Do I mock what you believe in? (simply a rhetorical question ... not meant to target YOU, belfast ... we're cool.)


It's a shame that this Board has to always endure this shit. I'm sick of seeing religion being discussed here, quite frankly. We all have different systems of belief. Why not just fucking leave it at that ... and agree to fucking disagree, folks? The world would be a better place if we just left people alone and let them believe whatever the fuck they wanted to believe.

What the fuck? Why the fuck is religion so fucking special that it can't be mocked by anyone? Everything in the world is open to ridacule! Why is your delusion (and you are delusional) so special that it should be free from criticism?

That's what pisses me off about religion. Just because you say you "believe" something, I'm supposed to say "oh, well, if you 'believe' that, then I should respect it and not bother you any further"? Well fuck that.

The fact that you say you believe in this Christian nonsense leads me to think that you will believe in any bullshit story. And that really is the problem: Religion promotes bad thinking at the best of times and promotes not thinking at all most of the time.

See this Youtube video for someone who can explain what I am trying to say far more eloquently than I:


What the fuck? Why the fuck is religion so fucking special that it can't be mocked by anyone? Everything in the world is open to ridacule! Why is your delusion (and you are delusional) so special that it should be free from criticism?

That's what pisses me off about religion. Just because you say you "believe" something, I'm supposed to say "oh, well, if you 'believe' that, then I should respect it and not bother you any further"? Well fuck that.

The fact that you say you believe in this Christian nonsense leads me to think that you will believe in any bullshit story. And that really is the problem: Religion promotes bad thinking at the best of times and promotes not thinking at all most of the time.

See this Youtube video for someone who can explain what I am trying to say far more eloquently than I:


belfast knew exactly where I was coming from because I EXPLAINED it to HIM in a private message. And he understands and appreciates where I'M coming from ... just as I do him. You're the loud-mouthed ass that's being obnoxious and combative about it.

Don't crawl up my leg and start bitching ME out on a public forum just because I voiced my PERSONAL fucking opinion.

You do NOT want to tangle with me in a personal way, dude. You got some shit to say to me, you do it in the form of a p.m. I have just as much right to post MY opinion as anyone else. You don't like it??? Too fucking bad. Deal with it, dude.

Don't dare try to turn this into a flame war with me. YOU WILL LOSE.
woah, woah, woah, i didn't mean for this to happen. just to clarify the situation, this is how i responded to Ax3C's PM:
Absolutely, I understand. And I apologize for offending you. But just like any other joke based on race/religion/ethnicity/whatever, you have to take in stride. I, myself am a Buddhist/atheist, but I have nothing against Christianity (what I do have a problem with are extremists, but every religion has those). I totally respect your choice to follow Christianity and in no way was I attempting to personally disrespect you.
I realize that you're not calling me out, and I thank you for your honesty.

I was not trying to offend anyone with this post, I just thought that it was clever. I respect all religions and everyone's right to choose which they follow.

jeez, I should have put a fucking DISCLAIMER on my post!


woah, woah, woah, i didn't mean for this to happen. just to clarify the situation, this is how i responded to Ax3C's PM:

I was not trying to offend anyone with this post, I just thought that it was clever. I respect all religions and everyone's right to choose which they follow.

jeez, I should have put a fucking DISCLAIMER on my post!

And I thank you for that, belfast. :hatsoff:

@ everyone else -

I can see the humor in a lot of things concerning religions of all kinds. And, as I pointed out, I wasn't targeting belfast.

IT WAS RHETORICAL ... merely my thoughts and opinions.

Apparently, some other individual decided to get personal and shitty with his attack / response.

Regardless, I've said my piece. I'm moving on.

belfast knew exactly where I was coming from because I EXPLAINED it to HIM in a private message. And he understands and appreciates where I'M coming from ... just as I do him. You're the loud-mouthed ass that's being obnoxious and combative about it.

Don't crawl up my leg and start bitching ME out on a public forum just because I voiced my PERSONAL fucking opinion.

You do NOT want to tangle with me in a personal way, dude. You got some shit to say to me, you do it in the form of a p.m. I have just as much right to post MY opinion as anyone else. You don't like it??? Too fucking bad. Deal with it, dude.

Don't dare try to turn this into a flame war with me. YOU WILL LOSE.

Thanks for proving my point. I criticize religion and the only defence you can come up with is personal attacks and threats of more attacks. Nice. So fucking typical.

For the record, here is the PM Ax3C just sent me:
Ax3C said:
Hello, bitch.
Trust me on this. You don't want to take it any fucking further, cunt.

Very nice.

I think that religion SHOULD be debated in open forum. The problem is people like you don't want to debate. You just want to live in your protected shell and get angry when somebody questions your opinion. I don't deny that you have the right to post your opinion. But if you do, prepare to defend it. By the way, you started this flame far with your "Sidebar". You think you get to say something as insane as that and not get a reaction?

Oh, and thanks for the Negative Rep, hypocrite. Do I not also have the right to opinion? Or just you?
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Thanks for proving my point. I criticize religion and the only defence you can come up with is personal attacks and threats of more attacks. Nice. So fucking typical.

For the record, here is the PM Ax3C just sent me:

Very nice.

I think that religion SHOULD be debated in open forum. The problem is people like you don't want to debate. You just want to live in your protected shell and get angry when somebody questions your opinion. I don't deny that you have the right to post your opinion. But if you do, prepare to defend it. By the way, you started this flame far with your "Sidebar". You think you get to say something as insane as that and not get a reaction?

Oh, and thanks for the Negative Rep, hypocrite. Do I not also have the right to opinion? Or just you?
The problem Ax3C had with you is not that you wanted to debate his religion but the manner in which you chose to attack him. You made it very personal and insulted him, which was unnecessary. I'm sure he would be willing to have a discussion on Christanity with you if you hadn't personally called him out and attacked him. Just take a chill pill, dude. I mean seriously, look at what you said to him:
What the fuck? Why the fuck is religion so fucking special that it can't be mocked by anyone? Everything in the world is open to ridacule! Why is your delusion (and you are delusional) so special that it should be free from criticism?
I think that would piss anybody off under any circumstances.
right, i'm a Catholic and i think that picture is funny. my nan, wouldn't, but she doesn't visit websites like this.

anyway, the point i was going to make was: if you believe in it, good for you. if you don't, good for you. don't complain about what anybody else believes - we'll all find out the truth one day. or we won't depending on what you believe. and when it comes down to it, as long as YOU believe what you want to, who gives a fuck if other people say? if you're bothered about what other people think, you have bigger problems than a few people on the internet having a laugh and a joke at the expense of your chosen deity.


I think that religion SHOULD be debated in open forum. The problem is people like you don't want to debate. You just want to live in your protected shell and get angry when somebody questions your opinion. I don't deny that you have the right to post your opinion. But if you do, prepare to defend it. By the way, you started this flame far with your "Sidebar". You think you get to say something as insane as that and not get a reaction?

Take a look at my post history. You'll find PLENTY of posts by yours truly in which I debate BOTH sides.

Don't start shit with me, dude. You really, really DON'T want to go there with me. Trust me on that one.

I told you to take it to p.m.'s ... but did you comply? No, instead you post comments - PRIVATE comments based upon the way in which YOU pissed on MY leg - in a public forum. You do realize all I have to do is complain to a Moderator ... and YOUR ass is banned?

Sure, I could be banned, too, but you know what? I'd gladly take that ban ... just to see your silly, annoying ass removed from this Board. You do nothing but create shit and chaos ...

OH .. and one last thing, did I SPECIFICALLY name you in any way, shape, form, or fashion in my "sidebar"???

NO. It was an AFTER-THOUGHT. DUH. It's called posting my opinion on something AFTER the fact. YOU are the one who started the shit. I suggest you end it here and now.

FLAMING, on the other hand, is what YOU did to me. Get it right next time, genius.
be who you are, live how you live....the only person that truly understands this is YOU. It is childish and futile to start, or even interject in a conversation that so many people hold so close to them. It always results in hostility. Religion is a double-edged sword....if a person doesnt want hostility, they shouldn't mock it, and if someone doesnt want to be chastised for their beliefs, they shouldn't give another person the pleasure of a response, their is no useful result that can come of these altercations. Be an INDIVIDUALIST, and believe in what YOU believe b/c it makes YOU stronger, not b/c it makes for a better argument.......I am taking no sides, but I've thought about these issues incessantly since childhood, there is no means to an end.
What the fuck? Why the fuck is religion so fucking special that it can't be mocked by anyone? Everything in the world is open to ridacule! Why is your delusion (and you are delusional) so special that it should be free from criticism?

Fuck, dude... you fucking say fuck a fucking lot....
So apparently I'm in the minority (at least based on those who are posting here and those who gave me negative rep) in thinking that religion is probably the most dangerous thing in this world. Religion teaches people to accept ideas from authority and not question them. Religion teaches people to do things, not because it may be good for humanity, but because their religion tells them to do it. Religion teaches people to be racist, misogynistic, authoritarian and homophobic. Religion teaches people to be sheep. And here is the one that seems to be in effect here: religion teaches people that any criticism of their religion is a direct personal attack on themselves.

It seems that my big crime in this thread was calling AxC3 delusional, which is the only thing I said that could be construed as a personal attack. Well it was not a personal attack, it was purely from the medical definition of a delusion:

A delusion is an unshakable belief in something untrue. These irrational beliefs defy normal reasoning, and remain firm even when overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them.

If belief in unverifiable, illogical and unpractical bearded man in the sky does not qualify as a delusion then I don't know what does...

People also ask why I can't leave religion alone. Why can't I just let people believe their delusions and leave them alone? Well here is why: because these religious delusions ARE affecting my life. People are making laws, dictating education agendas and voting for Presidential candidates based on their delusions and those things affect me. I can't buy alcohol or a car in some states on a Sunday because of some insane religious law. Religious based laws dictate how I may and may not have sex. Religious based laws protect sacrificial animal killings.

And since these beliefs affect my life, they lose their freedom from criticism.

Fuck, dude... you fucking say fuck a fucking lot....

eh... I was just mirroring the sentiment in Ax3C's first post.
I am an atheist who is in agreement with most of what you say,but do not wish to engage in some sort of heated arguement here over it.But I think we do live in a culture still where if you are not religious,you are discriminated against.Just look at all the holidays which are observed which are religion based and the debates over things like "under god" in the pledge of allegiance.If we were really going to be fair to both religious and non-religious people the pledge woud not mention god at all.I often say to my religious friends,how would you like it if someday atheists became the majority and had the pledge changed to "under no god"?And don't forget that "under god" line was added in the 50s as a way of differentiating America from those terrible atheist commies in the USSR,so it has not always been there and was added for political reasons in the same sort of way confederate flags were added to state flags in the south in the 50s as a way to express opposition to civil rights movements.So bottom line for me is worship, beleive whatever you want in your home or your church but please don't bring it into schools,govt or other places where others may not be in agreement.I think using negative rep against someone who is only expressing a different opinion is an improper use of the the rep system as long as the opinion is expressed responsibly.And to Belfast let me say I thought both posts were funny and should have been just taken as that,you religious folks are free to find some funny atheist stuff and post it, I won't mind and would probably even get a chuckle out of it.
belfastsixpack, both pictures were good, but the second (about "shit") is just outstanding! very wittily and profoundly at the same time. Me personally do like humor about religion. Thank you!