Christiana Cinn / Leia Christiana / Christi Cinn / Leia Christiana / Chloe II (Black Ambush)

Re: Christiana Cinn / Leia Christiana / Christi Cinn / Leia Christiana

Hi fellow Cinners... so this is a bit of a strange post but wanted to throw something out there for you all:

I spoke with Christiana yesterday to inquire about a custom video involving a "next level" sex act and how much it would cost. Needless to say, it is pretty expensive and I cannot afford it on my own.

She suggested I talk to some other fans of hers and tell them the idea and see if they would want to contribute to it. Then, when she makes the video it will be distributed to anyone who pays.

If this might interest you at all, please send me a private message so I can explain what it is and the cost.

Re: Christiana Cinn / Leia Christiana / Christi Cinn / Leia Christiana