Chris Tucker Becomes Highest Paid Actor in Hollywood

When I saw "The 5th Element" the first time I was so irritated by him (I'd never seen him or heard of him before that). It was like scratching fingernails down a chalkboard every time he opened his mouth. :mad: :thefinger :mad: :thefinger :ban:
I could be wrong but I believe Arnold got 30 million for doing T3.
I don't know, should I go spend ten bucks to be distracted for two hours or spend the money on a book?
Peter Gazinya said:
I don't know, should I go spend ten bucks to be distracted for two hours or spend the money on a book?

Distracted, it sounds like you wouldnt wanna see the movie. Hey, its fun to some people, and they think spending 10 bucks is fine to have a good time for 2 hours. Other people may think reading a good book is worth the 10 bucks for that good time.

To each his own. Personally, I wouldnt do either, I'd wait till the movie is free, or go to the library and read the book for free there. Then again Im cheap. lol
You're fucking kidding me. He's only ever had "starring" roles in two other damn movies--the other Rush Hour movies! And let's face it; in no way shape or form was he the star of those movies. We all know who the REAL star was and it wasn't Tucker.

With falling box office receipts I can't understand exactly how much coke these movie execs must be snorting every day to make decisions to waste the studios resources on hacks like Tucker.

Seriously--more money than Will Smith?

Questioner: What do you think of Chris Tucker making more money than Will SMith?

Person on Street: WHo's Chris Tucker?

Questioner: THat annoying guy from "Rush Hour".

THey've confused the fact that the movies made him known at all for Tucker making the movies successful. Ridiculous. Incompetent,

May I run a Hollywood studio for a year or so? My dog?