You're fucking kidding me. He's only ever had "starring" roles in two other damn movies--the other Rush Hour movies! And let's face it; in no way shape or form was he the star of those movies. We all know who the REAL star was and it wasn't Tucker.
With falling box office receipts I can't understand exactly how much coke these movie execs must be snorting every day to make decisions to waste the studios resources on hacks like Tucker.
Seriously--more money than Will Smith?
Questioner: What do you think of Chris Tucker making more money than Will SMith?
Person on Street: WHo's Chris Tucker?
Questioner: THat annoying guy from "Rush Hour".
THey've confused the fact that the movies made him known at all for Tucker making the movies successful. Ridiculous. Incompetent,
May I run a Hollywood studio for a year or so? My dog?