Chris Brown arrested for assaulting Rihanna


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Rihanna is ugly. :cool:

Her hair styles suck balls. Should I hand in my man card now? :D

Anyway, I think that little punk will be off the hook. There's a law against sending celebrities to jail in this country (it seems). He claims he didn't do it, but I haven't heard Rhianna say that he didn't do it. If he's really innocent, should she at least help her man out and say he didn't do it and help his image?

Will E Worm

Chris Brown will start a new career at the prison karaoke night.

This is the same guy who doesn't like Beyonce, just keep that in mind. :dunno:

I don't care for her either.

Sky News reports:

The devout Christian says she has permission from God to wear sexy clothes and strip on stage but not to have a girl-on-girl snog. ... She says: "I always carry myself like a lady. I don't feel like I ever do anything raunchy." And she adds: "It's entertainment and I believe God is OK with that."

:rolleyes: :1orglaugh
Umm. No.

I'd like to arrest the Jonas Brothers for completely destroying the musical credibility of Stevie Wonder. That performance with all the phony guitar playing and the fucked up singing basically recaptured Milli Vanilli....:eek::weeping:

Amen.. that performance was 1 of the worst performances by any1 ever just shows u how much there voices are digitaly enhanced on a cd

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what the fuck you lookin at?
I'm sick of hearing about this shit. Seriously, women are abused everyday and no one ever knows about it. When it happens to a celebrity its national fuckin news. I say hang this chris brown fucker and get it over with! Make an example out of his punk ass and be done with it already!
I'm sick of hearing about this shit. Seriously, women are abused everyday and no one ever knows about it. When it happens to a celebrity its national fuckin news. I say hang this chris brown fucker and get it over with! Make an example out of his punk ass and be done with it already!

well said.

That pic makes me sick. This guy is a complete piece of shit!

Will E Worm

Rihanna won't discuss Chris Brown, but thanks fans.

As police probe whether one of their own leaked a picture of a bruised and beaten woman that appears to be Rihanna, the image is sparking a discussion of the impact it could have on the issue of domestic violence. The celebrity Web site TMZ, which posted the photo Thursday night, did not explain its origin. The site wrote only that it was taken after an altercation between platinum-selling singer and her boyfriend, fellow pop star Chris Brown.

Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton acknowledged Friday afternoon that the photo could prove embarrassing to the woman pictured, a view shared by some advocates for abused women. But in the welts and marks on the face of the woman in the photo, some also saw a teaching moment.

I think that these young actresses and musicians who are making these big bucks should not be trying to get into serious relationships. The majority of them can't even count all of their money, let alone trying to concentrate on a one on one relationship.:eek:
... and after a few years we'll read about how Rihanna apparently got beaten again, just that she's covering it up by wearing big sunglasses and scarfes... and we'll all feel sorry about her.

Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely haven't got the slightest intention of defending the guy for what he did, in fact I couldn't agree more with the guys who say that he's a complete piece of shit. But don't you think that, if the scenario I described above, happens to realize (God forbid), it will be partially Rihanna's own fault? I mean, shouldn't it be normal for a woman to break up and not even think about talking to, let alone forgiving and coming back together, with the guy who beat the crap out of her?

Sadly, I knew a couple of girls who thought it was okay for their boyfriends to be insanely jealous and try to control every bit of their lives.. am I the only one who is puzzled as to why some girls think such behaviour is OK?

Will E Worm

Chris Brown appears in court on felony charges.

Chris Brown briefly appeared in court, hours after he was charged with two felonies stemming from what a police detective describes as a brutal argument between the singer and his girlfriend, Rihanna.

Brown's arraignment was postponed until April 6 on charges of assault likely to cause great bodily injury and making criminal threats. The 19-year-old R&B singer remains free on $50,000 bail.


Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Let me start by emphatically stating I don't care for either of them nor any of their music! IMHO C. Brown should go to prison! I am sick of celebrities getting off easy cuz they have money! :scream:

Celebrities / wealthy people break the same laws as common folk and should pay the same price whether it be jail or fines as the rest of us are forced to pay!!

Infact I feel celebrities and wealthy should pay more for their crimes to punish them for setting an unbecoming example to people who are influenced by their actions! :yesyes:

That in itself shows that the justice system is a crock of shit! innocents are jailed, and the guilty get off easy.. not to mention all the racial bias and other forms of :bs: propaganda and stereo-typical railroading that takes place whether its just or not! :thefinger

Rape has a statute of limitations and that should be treated just like murder.. Rape should have NO statute of limitations.. forgive cuz I Know I am a bit :2offtopic but it just offers an example of the wishy washy example set forth by the courts, the law, the DA, and the lack of anger on behalf of the civilian population when it comes to celebrities and there holier than thou chauvinistic attitudes! we should be PISSED when they get off easy!! :rolleyes::mad:
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Will E Worm

Let me start by emphatically stating I don't care for either of them or any of their music! but IMHO C. Brown should go to prison! I am sick of celebrities getting off easy cuz they have money! :scream:

I'm tired of that, as well. But, she did forgive him. I'm not sure why.

Rape has a statute of limitations and that should be treated just like murder.. no statute of limitations I Know I am a bit :2offtopic but it just offers an example of the wishy washy example set forth when it comes to celebrities and there holier than thou chauvinistic attitudes! :rolleyes::mad:

I agree, I have been saying this for a long time. ;)
Two little kids who got a bunch of money for doing a lot of nothing in life. They have the collective maturity of a kindergardener.

If you wanna fix this problem, pass a law that if people like this get back together, the authorities will never step in again no matter what happens. Except if someone ends up dead.

Or how about this-- the woman who takes him back has to share the fines and the court costs and split the sentence.