... and after a few years we'll read about how Rihanna apparently got beaten again, just that she's covering it up by wearing big sunglasses and scarfes... and we'll all feel sorry about her.
Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely haven't got the slightest intention of defending the guy for what he did, in fact I couldn't agree more with the guys who say that he's a complete piece of shit. But don't you think that, if the scenario I described above, happens to realize (God forbid), it will be partially Rihanna's own fault? I mean, shouldn't it be normal for a woman to break up and not even think about talking to, let alone forgiving and coming back together, with the guy who beat the crap out of her?
Sadly, I knew a couple of girls who thought it was okay for their boyfriends to be insanely jealous and try to control every bit of their lives.. am I the only one who is puzzled as to why some girls think such behaviour is OK?