Chloe Anderson/Nikita Laska vids

I'm looking for the same thing. I know that has three high quality videos, each 640x480 including dancing, fingering and a dildo.

She's also lurking around in the background in one or two Suze videos, although they're just videos of photoshoots.

I know Matt's Models also has an early casting video of her, but I haven't seen it. I'd like to know the quality and time on that one.

If anyone knows any other sources, I'd love to hear.
the Matt's models clips are a few mins each and there's about 8 of them. They're quite fun.

other vids that I'm aware of:
  • has some nice videos - they seem to rotate them over time, but there's 3 or 4
  • used to have some videos, there she went by the name Pearl
  • ALS has two DVD's which feature her, nr 42 and 43
  • There were about 13 videos on which sadly got eaten up by ALS and they never published the content again.