Chinese Bunny Crushing Women


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Fuck that sick cruel bitch, fuck anyone who gets even the slightest pleasure, tingle or fascination from watching it or even wanting to watch it.

What next - puppy javelin practice; hamster Cuisinart rodeo .....

Cliche or not, (this kind of) cruelty to animals is one of the major clinical indicators of sociopathic and psychopathic disorders. You like this? You and Ted Bundy .....


For the EMPEROR!!
When I saw it on Yahoo I couldn't believe it - but then again there are a lot of sicko's out there. .... hopefully Karma will catch up to them. ... "what goes around comes around"
Giant bunny crushing Chinese women? Oh, wait, missing hyphen. Anyway, do Chinese dudes get turned on by women crushing rabbits? Any Chinese members around here who can answer that? And here I thought the Japanese had cornered the weird fetishes market.
and why haven't we bombarded China with wave after wave of this monster rabbit for the vengeance of those high-heel impaled bunnies?

There is a mission planned.

It's called "Operation What's Up Doc?!" and it's being led by a certain Mr Bugs Bunny :D
Poverty is a bitch and so is lack of self-restraint.

Somebody post that video with sheldon saying: "I got yo' back Jack! Bitches be crazy!" It's applicable here.
soooo.... poor chinese chicks crush bunnies for money? why weren't their chinese fathers more supportive of their daughters olympic gymnast dreams?

That's what they said at least. Lol, I was actually talking a few days ago with a chinese guy about chinese's not perfect bro. In any case, I believe they don't regard animals over there as they they do in the rest of the world. It is what it is bro.
That's what they said at least. Lol, I was actually talking a few days ago with a chinese guy about chinese's not perfect bro. In any case, I believe they don't regard animals over there as they they do in the rest of the world. It is what it is bro.

Still, the basic regard for decency relating to an animal, much like human being is an animal, should stretch to the moral understanding of all humans. How can a person not feel bad after ruthlessly killing a harmless creature for no other purpose than but to kill it? I'm no green peace pussy, but if you can't eat it, or make a cool rug out of it, than whats the point? :dunno:


For the EMPEROR!!
Still, the basic regard for decency relating to an animal, much like human being is an animal, should stretch to the moral understanding of all humans. How can a person not feel bad after ruthlessly killing a harmless creature for no other purpose than but to kill it? I'm no green peace pussy, but if you can't eat it, or make a cool rug out of it, than whats the point? :dunno:

Look what "humans" do to other "humans, what chance do animals have? .... and I guess some sickos must of been getting off on it. .. they say theres a market for anything and everything.