Chicks with pricks

Will E Worm



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This is a very VERY misleading title to this thread! :crash:


those guys are my heros


douchebags once again?
website the link leads to is full of acid-tongued comments and it is a good place for enviers and haters. I completely do not understand the idea of making fun of pictures with guys dating with girls.

Take any photo and feel yourself very cool by making catty comments to it in the internet. If a man has muscles call him dumbass on steroids, if he is skinny - ridicule that, if he wears sunglasses make fun of it, if he has white shirt make fun of white shirt, and if he has yellow - make fun of yellow. Everything can become a subject of stupid enviuos comment. And any person could be derided in that stupid and rude way for no reason at all. While people at the photos just having real life and dating with that nice girls. What is this but jealousy, weakness and hangups?

The whole idea of "douchebag" dissing reminds me of ugly bookworm girls who speak with a sarcastic air about "dumb blondes" and "plastic dolls without brains". Just because no one paying attention at them, and they can only dream to be like that "dumb blondes". The same stuff but with men.

Though there is no fucking link between appearence and brains. And it pisses me of when people who pay attention to their appearence are jugded as `dumb blondes`, `douchbags` etc. I have a question to all of those who like to diss them - what makes you so sure that your intellectual level is higher than their? Just a fact that you are not that attractive does not make you superiour in intellect.

And also it is a big question how great would your own photo
look like if someone posted it in the internet with rude text added.

It all sucks!


Closed Account
Some of those guys have faces you just want to punch.

They might be really cool/nice guys in reality, but they just annoy me looking at them.


Jamrak, it's not about jealousy. It's the fact that the guy clearly looks like the typical scumbag women often get used by. Any half sensible person would agree with that, at least I think so anyways.
This is a very VERY misleading title to this thread! :crash:

Yeah, I for one wanted trannies!

Nope, not like that.

Guys who use and abuse women should be given the death penalty.


How do you know he is one of those guys? We probably all have done it at one time or another, but judging people by their looks is a slippery slope. It is a small step from there to things like racial profiling, IMO.
I have never abused or used any woman. It's wrong.

Will E, I'm not saying you have. I just think looking at this guy and not seeing any of his actions or behaviors, and knowing nothing but his appearance, I think it's a little unfair to assume that he is a user or abuser of women. Sure, he very well may be. He fits certain stereotypes, but then again, I feel you've got to give him the benefit of the doubt.

We can laugh at his hair and call him a douche, sure, but I think making judgements of his character is a step too far.

PS-The "we all have done it at one time or another" referred to judging people by their looks, not abusing or using women.

documented proof that sometimes 'hater-ade' can be a good thing..

..dudes that hit/abuse women are more femenine than the women they prey upon.. :blowjob: :female:

Will E Worm

PS-The "we all have done it at one time or another" referred to judging people by their looks, not abusing or using women.

I have gone out with big women that other people wouldn't go out with. You never know who You Might like. Character and intelligence are very important qualities.

Remember what Ron White said..."You can't fix stupid." :hatsoff:
Jamrak, it's not about jealousy. It's the fact that the guy clearly looks like the typical scumbag women often get used by. Any half sensible person would agree with that, at least I think so anyways.

I disagree entirely. According this approach, how should a good guy look like? like a fat, choked, shy loser? anything that is brighter than a dull commonplace person is not a sign of 'scumbag' or 'douche bag'? no way. this is the typical example of jealosy.

Take any beautiful babe from "find your favourite babe" section of this board, and show her photos to an ugly "highly intellectual" girl and I bet that she will tell you a lot things about "stupid grin" the babe has got, "pathos", "stupidity" and that the babe "has nothing but boobies" and that all that chicks are not faithful and bad for men, cuz they are using blah blah blah. Envy! :dunno:

All you "douchebag" haters sound the same way. Women want men who got sex appeal, and they choose them. Not boring dull and correct 'commonplace persons' with no striking traits. And no surprise with that. How can you assume that someone is using or abusing girls?! They do their own choice, cuz they want it. They ain't no children, they use their heads. How can one insist that he knows better what these women want and what is better for them? And even try to "protect" them from "scumbags". Just ridiculous!

If you prefer sexy girls, why can't girls prefer sexy men? Be fair to yourself.
I disagree entirely. According this approach, how should a good guy look like? like a fat, choked, shy loser? anything that is brighter than a dull commonplace person is not a sign of 'scumbag' or 'douche bag'? no way. this is the typical example of jealosy.

Take any beautiful babe from "find your favourite babe" section of this board, and show her photos to an ugly "highly intellectual" girl and I bet that she will tell you a lot things about "stupid grin" the babe has got, "pathos", "stupidity" and that the babe "has nothing but boobies" and that all that chicks are not faithful and bad for men, cuz they are using blah blah blah. Envy! :dunno:

All you "douchebag" haters sound the same way. Women want men who got sex appeal, and they choose them. Not boring dull and correct 'commonplace persons' with no striking traits. And no surprise with that. How can you assume that someone is using or abusing girls?! They do their own choice, cuz they want it. They ain't no children, they use their heads. How can one insist that he knows better what these women want and what is better for them? And even try to "protect" them from "scumbags". Just ridiculous!

If you prefer sexy girls, why can't girls prefer sexy men? Be fair to yourself.

Folks, seriously... do we really care enough to bicker over it? Guys comes in all shapes and sizes, invariably a certain percentage are complete pricks - thats just the way it is regardless of how you look/dress, I agree that some "prettyboys" can be a tad obnoxious or insensitive but then so can anyone. At the end of the day we still get to see pics of hot girls :)