Chica's Latest Pics


Official Checked Star Member
You absolutely right, I used to have some tough spots (one near camelback and 40th or so) but then it got replaced one day by another chinese place that is more of a local chain and def not up to par as far as quality goes. Another close to asu closed down a few years back but it was more known for how cheap you can get a ton of food for, probably why they closed down.

Closest you can get is thai if your into that, but not that great either. Mideterranean food/Hooka bars dominate the Tempe scene atm. Just not enough demand for Chinese.

Didn't realize you were from PHX, kind of surreal knowning I know where the that PF Changs is, in fact I thought it looked familiar. Damn how could I not notice the dead giveaway cactii in that pic.. oh yeah...

yes, that's the chang's in kierland :nanner:


knows petras secret: she farted.
you az chinese lovers should look me up too. i teach chinese cooking classes at peoples homes! im outside of phx.


knows petras secret: she farted.
really, you teach chinese cooking? i'm getting hungry just talking about

i do! im a personal chef and i do at home classes for all sorts of cooking. ive been doing a lot of chinese cooking classes lately. its really fun, everyone really likes them. i go shopping with them or alone and go to their house and make the food with them and then they get to eat! im actually working on a chinese cook book too.


knows petras secret: she farted.
how much does something like that cost?

i charge for ingredients and give receipts (i dont mark up ingredients)
and then i charge for my overhead rate. pretty cheap actually but it depends on what we do. i dont want anyone to copy my rates but you could always pm me. i have a website up too!


knows petras secret: she farted.
that sounds awesome! i bet you're busy around here

could be a lot busier! one of my clients is going to be going back to china in a couple of weeks so im really hoping to find a couple more really soon. i still lots of days open. im trying to do more weddings too. birthdays and anniversaries are a big hit too. i dont charge much, but its just fun doing it. i love to cook!


milf n' cookies
Very sexy pics Chica! :lovecoupl
I suddenly feel the urge to move to AZ and learn how to cook chinese food.

Do I get a back rub too?


what the fuck you lookin at?
:nannerf2:Chica = Fuckin Fine!!! :flame:



Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
thanks guys! yes, the meal cums with a massage and there's always a happy ending at my house!

Very nice! :nannerf1:


The One and Only Big Daddy
Chica i think thos are the best pictures you have taken since I have been at Freeones once again those pictures are really sexy I know you hear that a lot and I have said it a few times but Wow you look smokin' hott Once again keep doin'what you do:thumbsup: