Chica's Latest Pics


Official Checked Star Member
hi everyone! here are a few pics from my forum thread "Pic of the Week". if you get a chance, please stop by and vote on your favorite.




oh it was...i love PF Changs!

PF Chang's....I go for the happy hour and stay for the chicken lettuce wraps. Damn those are goooood.

BTW Chica...for some reason the pics you posted in this thread are not showing.
That's more like it. Damn you look good Chica! Thanks for posting them..
thanks for the new pics Chica.
You are beautiful all dressed up and undressed
Love your smile:bowdown:


Lord Dipstick
Jesus Christ!, your ol' man must be having a party w/ you!!:eek:
i like the set but for some reason im just not digging the shoes. what do you guys think?


knows petras secret: she farted.
yeah chica, if you like those wraps, ill make em for you. i got the secret recipe. hell, hire me! im a personal chef right down the street from you! ill give you a big discount!
So Chica are you into chinese food? If so I can totally show you some nice places if you come to LA. Those pix look AMAZING! :bowdown:
is it me or is it really hard to find good chinese food in phoenix? i only know of 1 or 2 places....

You absolutely right, I used to have some tough spots (one near camelback and 40th or so) but then it got replaced one day by another chinese place that is more of a local chain and def not up to par as far as quality goes. Another close to asu closed down a few years back but it was more known for how cheap you can get a ton of food for, probably why they closed down.

Closest you can get is thai if your into that, but not that great either. Mideterranean food/Hooka bars dominate the Tempe scene atm. Just not enough demand for Chinese.

Didn't realize you were from PHX, kind of surreal knowning I know where the that PF Changs is, in fact I thought it looked familiar. Damn how could I not notice the dead giveaway cactii in that pic.. oh yeah...