Chica's Jan.20 FreeSigns

So, its June 20th 19??
God’s up in heaven thinking..........
‘I’ve been making humans for half a million years, I’ve had some successes and some failures but today I’m going to create the perfect human body, the God body, and her name shall be Chica!’
I've made millions of mouse clicks, this thread is the best one I’ve ever made! lol My bollocks will be like peanuts in an hours time! :nanner:
Great idea with that messages!
especially the one for ChefChiTown :)

it gives a touch of interactivity to the whole thing!
Thanks for making my FanSign Chica. You are one awesome babe.

And props to Chef for having that sign! I LOL'd big time.


Official Checked Star Member
the one for Chef cracks me up! it's sad but

to get a FreeSign, just send me a PM letting me know what you want on your sign. the only requirement i have is that you have at least 100 posts under your belt. this is only fair to all the members who support this great forum ;)
AWWE :iloveyou: Chica, Had I known you were doing special signs I would have loved one. I see you went down on Sherri, will you go down on me too? LOL I know you're having fun thinking of guys who are wacking it right now, but what about us ladies? I just bought some new batteries and was looking for a reason to install them. :yummie:
Posting posting posting,
get my fingers posting,
need to get to posting,
100 postings for a CHICA siiign....Headin' up, move em' out... more postings.

I will PM you soon sweetie!:thumbsup: