Chicago's Sears Tower is renamed

why the fuck would you rename it? Fuck em, I'll always call it the sears tower.

Well I am sure people are not going to overnight start calling it by the proposed name, and I guess will affectionately always refer to it as sears tower.


what the fuck you lookin at?
They should just call it Chigaco Tall Building Structure Serial Number: 89176491364913874890132473289749328749328748932749324-Z41b.09
Bloody obvious really!

actually your close but it should be
I think more people care about the name "Sears Tower" then shopping at an actual Sears store.

I think the whoring out the naming rights of a building, commercial or sports-related or whatever, is a complete embarrassment.

I think the proper name of the building should be THE Chicago Tower. What happens when the present company leaves?
^Wow, that is one ugly building....for Chicago's sake I hope that NEVER GETS BUILT!!!

I think there's enough name separation between Tower and Spire, fwiw....


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
This is really old news, but...

To me, and to all of the other people who live in/have lived in Chicago, it will ALWAYS be THE SEARS TOWER!!!