1970 Chicago is still happy to have the record at 974. Better luck in 2022.
Other cities were more successful:
Major cities which surpassed yearly homicide records:
- Philadephia, Pennsylvania;
- Columbus, Ohio;
- Indianapolis, Indiana
- Louisville, Kentucky
- St. Paul, Minnesota;
- Portland, Oregon;
- Tucson, Arizona;
- Toledo, Ohio;
- Baton Rouge, Louisiana;
- Austin, Texas;
- Rochester, New York;
- Albuquerque, New Mexico
I'm not sure how Columbus Oh.is with city laws, and such, but I know for a long time, and I do believe still, according to Ohioan's For Conceal led Carry, Toledo had a very unfriendly gun mayor, and several council members as well, so because of some regulation regarding "cheap guns" being sold, made it almost impossible for lower income households to by firearms. It was on a price point, not quality, so you had no choice but to drop $500, or more on a handgun. Now there are a few under that, I have a little S&W snub nose .38spl. I carry, and they only go for about $450 after tax. But the law was clearly Unconstitutional, and prejudice, so I'm not sure if it even exist. Columbus is our Capitol, but surrounded my rural areas, farm land, State parks, and the Sasquatch triangle, which includes the State park at Salt Fork. All this coming to a slow point, that it is surrounded by hunting land, and has a shit ton of deer hunters. But I would guess only a small portion in the city limits, and suburbs of Columbus.
I'm just glad Cleveland wasn't in the short list.