Cher's son now officially a man

Genetically, sure, but gender identity (in the mind) isn't hardwired. I don't know, I guess I'm being too "progressive" or something.

Genetically, people with XY chromosomes can sometimes develop completely female appearances - for example, those with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. And by completely female, I mean they develop feminine faces, breasts, vaginas and so on - they can be so female in appearance that no-one realises they are XY until they reach puberty and fail to begin menstruating.

Also, gender identity is believed to be hard-wired, specifically in the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Neurobiologists have discovered that your average male has twice as many somastatin expressing neurons in that region as women. Critically, male-to-female transsexuals fall in the female-normative range, and vice versa. These studies indicate that transsexualism may be yet another of the many intersex conditions which occur in nature - in this case it happens to be sexual differentiation of the brain and genitals in opposite directions.

So the idea that this is a lifestyle choice for self-mutilators with no basis in "science and nature", just doesn't stand up to scrutiny.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It takes real balls to go this far in trying into be what you're not??? No, it takes ignorance, drive, and money for that. Ms. Bono will never really get to be a man just like Michael Jackson never really got to be white...

And MJ never got a handclap or support for his transformation(s).

Jackson never said he was white.
Also, gender identity is believed to be hard-wired, specifically in the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
Shit, I worded the hardwired part wrong. I definitely believe it's hardwired. I'm dropping the ball. (unrelated) I'm stoned.
Lets come down to reality, this "thing" is not a man. A man has a cock and balls. This "Thing" still has a vag. I don't give a shit how much the fucking media likes to portray this person. But the bottom line is when we are born, the doc looks for a vag and says "its a girl" or see a penis and says "its a boy". So, the point here since Chaz Bono doesn't have the guts to finish the job. As I have read that SHE will not go for the organ re-assignment. Then regardless of everything else, SHE is still a woman as long as the vag remains. SHE is not a she-male or a he/she, just a very manly looking WOMAN.


My Penis Is Dancing!
If this makes him happy, then what business is it of everyone else? Quite interesting that the same people who get their tin foil hats on about the government and cry about big brother watching them also happen to be some of the nosiest fucking busy bodies around.