Cheney backs Limbaugh

Will E Worm

Cheney backs Limbaugh over Powell on GOP future.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is siding with conservative broadcaster Rush Limbaugh over former Secretary of State Colin Powell over the future of the Republican party.


Rush Limbaugh is going to run for President?

I agree with, "Powell is "just another liberal" and should become a Democrat."
I suppose this goes in the category of water is wet and the sun is hot. Lush Limpbaugh couldn't win president of his neighborhood watch let alone POTUS.

That shrill shill has more baggage than cross dressing tRudy "9/11 is my middle name" JulyAnnie.

Obama's lasting "hope' would be to run against a dope like Limpbaugh in a general election.
So the word of Cheney still counts for something?

Thats peculiar ... :dunno: ... who would have guessed that :1orglaugh
Moderate republicans are a dying breed.That may make the hardcore right wing base of the party happy but will spell their continued decline in ability to win elections and permanent status as a shrinking minority party.
They will come round eventually and listen to the Colin Powells and try to expand their appeal and message.First and foremost job of both partys is to win elections lol.
GOP has no chance at winning general elections if they kick out all the moderates, so I welcome Cheney and Rove in their attempt to make Rush the new leader of the party. The more conservative it becomes the better it is for Democrats.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
how come we hardly heard a word from cheney for eight years as vp and now we can't get the fuckface to shut up? just an observation :D

Ha ha no shit, he must of given up hunting. So now he has all the time in the world.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I think this is smart by the GOP, actually. They should rally behind Limbaugh that way their racism, sexism and drug abuse tendencies can come out in the open rather than dancing around them like they have been.

I think the Republicans want to practice racism openly and a platform/party run by Limbaugh will give them the opportunity to do that.

What will this change mean at the Polls in 2010---probably the greatest thumping at the polls in the history of American elections and even more Republicans voted out of office.:thumbsup::wave::glugglug:
Moderate republicans are a dying breed.

So are moderate Democrats.

I doubt Limbaugh will run for President. He's said several times that he's not willing to take the pay cut. But I hope he changes his mind :D

"President Obama currently earns $400,000 per year, along with a $50,000 expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment.[9] The most recent raise in salary was approved by Congress and President Bill Clinton in 1999 and went into effect in 2001; prior to the change, the President earned $200,000, plus expense accounts."

"How much does Rush Limbaugh make? According to a book entitled "Bias" by Bernard Goldberg, Rush Limbaugh signed a contract in 2001 for $297 million dollars to broadcast through summer 2009, which would make the answer, $33 million per year.. This, of course, does not include any additional money he is paid for speaking engagments, book residuals, or earnings in the stock market."
Yes lets all listen to Dick Cheney, the greatest and most popular vice president of all time. (end sarcasim) Seriousley, noone listened to this dickhead when he was in office, accept W, just because he wasnt smart enough to think for himself. So why should anyone listen to him now.
I think the Republicans want to practice racism openly and a platform/party run by Limbaugh will give them the opportunity to do that.

Being Hispanic, and a Republican, if I had seen any racism in the Republican party I'd left it a long time ago. On what do you base your comment? I saw more racism in the Democrat primary than I did in the Republican. No African American ran for the Republican nomination this time around, even though we have many prominent African Americans, and if one did, said candidate would not run on his race alone, but on his character and beliefs, of course, his character would be impuned and attacked by the left.

So, Limbaugh's divorced? So's about 1/2 of the country and many of you. He's struggled with drug addiction? So have many more around the country, and of course, there's those that don't struggle with addiction because they don't want to give up drugs anyway.

About racism and sexism? Explain Walter E. Williams who sometimes gets to host his show whenever he's out for some reason. Sexism? He supported Condoleeza Rice.

Truth is that whoever you don't agree with politically you just consider that person to be racist even if that person isn't and that really pisses me off. I could turn it around and say that the Democrat party is the racist party as they are the ones that destroyed the black family and try to keep the black community in chains, giving them only the crumbs they need to subsist by keeping them in welfare because they don't believe that they have what it takes to succeed, where we Conservatives have more faith in the individuals capacity for success, we believe that we all can do a lot better than we can imagine. They keep the black community in a second kind of slavery instead of offering them real opportunities and doing whatever needs to be done to improve their education system, something like in Europe, where the money for public education is tied not to the schools, but to the students therefore allowing them to choose the schools that perform the best.


I think this is smart by the GOP, actually. They should rally behind Limbaugh that way their racism, sexism and drug abuse tendencies can come out in the open rather than dancing around them like they have been.

I think the Republicans want to practice racism openly and a platform/party run by Limbaugh will give them the opportunity to do that.

What will this change mean at the Polls in 2010---probably the greatest thumping at the polls in the history of American elections and even more Republicans voted out of office.:thumbsup::wave::glugglug:

Racism, huh?
Run out of rational irrational innuendos ?
Quote some racist GOP policies...just for fun.
The racist half of the US of A population needs this info...please don't let them down.


Yes lets all listen to Dick Cheney, the greatest and most popular vice president of all time. (end sarcasim) Seriousley, noone listened to this dickhead when he was in office, accept W, just because he wasnt smart enough to think for himself. So why should anyone listen to him now.

Oh God...I'm trying not to laugh any harder! Oww! My sides hurt!:rofl2:

Ya'll listened to Big Al...and look where that ended up!
Okay, where do you get "racist"?

I think the Republicans want to practice racism openly and a platform/party run by Limbaugh will give them the opportunity to do that.
I don't agree with Limbaugh, and think he's a hypocrite (even more so after his drug issues), but this is bullshit. People call Limbaugh, O'Reilly and countless other people racists, and it's total bullshit. Just because they have a problem with affirmative action and other things doesn't make them racists.

I've never seen a single racist comment out of Limbaugh. Even his comment on NFL Fox Sunday wasn't racist. It wasn't "politically correct," but it wasn't racist. In fact, have you ever seen him talk about how much affirmative action and the whole "oh, he must have gotten the job because he's black" assumption actually causes harm? This includes the unrealistic pressure put on McNabb and others, because they were successful, black QBs, but never accepted, even after years of success.

Labelling people racists because you disagree with them is actually racist and an incorrect civil rights judgement. Apparently you did not learn that from the whole Duke LaCrosse team issue? Most other people did.

So, Limbaugh's divorced? So's about 1/2 of the country and many of you. He's struggled with drug addiction? So have many more around the country, and of course, there's those that don't struggle with addiction because they don't want to give up drugs anyway.
This makes Limbaugh a hypocrite, which I've long considered him to be. But it doesn't make him a racist, despite what others want to "misguide" everyone one.

About racism and sexism? Explain Walter E. Williams who sometimes gets to host his show whenever he's out for some reason. Sexism? He supported Condoleeza Rice.
Let alone the African Americans and other minorities that are, or have been, a part of Rush's program throughout its history -- especially in his earlier years when "affirmative action" wasn't well defined or respected.

Truth is that whoever you don't agree with politically you just consider that person to be racist even if that person isn't and that really pisses me off.

I could turn it around and say that the Democrat party is the racist party as they are the ones that destroyed the black family and try to keep the black community in chains, giving them only the crumbs they need to subsist by keeping them in welfare because they don't believe that they have what it takes to succeed, where we Conservatives have more faith in the individuals capacity for success, we believe that we all can do a lot better than we can imagine.
I find it ironic how many people don't realize the number of "poor, white racists" (and sexist) that not only register and vote Democrat, but have been elected -- even in recent years. How LBJ had to thank the Republicans, not the Democrats, for getting the Equal Rights Act pushed through Congress. Etc...

They keep the black community in a second kind of slavery instead of offering them real opportunities and doing whatever needs to be done to improve their education system, something like in Europe, where the money for public education is tied not to the schools, but to the students therefore allowing them to choose the schools that perform the best.
The architects of "separate and [not] equal" are the same ones pushing the same "lip service" to whom ever gives them the votes.

All while the Republican party has always been, at its foundation, equality. Left leaning equality when the rights were less, now right leaning equality when the rights have become "special." People forget that the Democrats have been the pendulum, the Republicans unchanged.
Good ...

GOP has no chance at winning general elections if they kick out all the moderates, so I welcome Cheney and Rove in their attempt to make Rush the new leader of the party. The more conservative it becomes the better it is for Democrats.
Or the Libertarian-Capitalists just finally take over. There are far more of them than the Roves and Cheneys.

Once the Democrats have to start honestly arguing with a party that is even more pro-choice, pro-rights and pro-liberties than the Democrats, it will get more interesting.

Especially when the Democrats start having to explain how healthcare got so bad because of HMOs, restrictions on how you can get private coverage, etc..., how the institution of funding and mandating unions actually reduced choices and freedoms for workers and destroyed their employers, etc...

It's those arguments I want to get to, instead of the stupid ones that the Republicans keep making.