Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky


Use this every time he pops up.

Europe Moves Ahead With Weather Satellite Blacklist

"What we have to agree to is a list of organizations, agencies and institutions that will be refused data following a U.S. request," one government official said. "The U.S. has some very specific ideas about who these people are. We don't like the idea. It's not something we're comfortable with. But if the question is: Will we resist it? The answer is: No. We will get this resolved this year."

Chemtrails: Are You Still In Denial?


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
^BEHOLD COMMANDER POTATO, THAT YOU MAY MOCK AND DISREGARD. Welcome back, twunt. I didn't watch those clips because there isn't a History Channel seal and therefore they suffer the presumption of insufficiency.

Chemtrails: Pharmecuticals & Immune System Suppression

You’re sick. Your nose is stuffy. Your body aches, You’re sweaty, coughing, sneezing and you don’t have enough energy to get out of bed.

It’s not the flu. It’s a conspiracy, according to Dr. Len Horowitz. His opinion is not based on conspiracy theory but on conspiracy fact.

Over the past 10 years, Horowitz has become America’s most controversial medical authority. A university-trained medical researcher, Horowitz, 48, charges that elements of the United States government are conspiring with major pharmaceutical companies to make large segments of the population sick.

The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn’t quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it’s a “mystery” flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it.

“That’s all hogwash, bogus nonsense”, says Dr. Leonard Horowitz. “The fact of the matter is, we have seen this type of an epidemic since the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999. People have been hacking and coughing with this bizarre illness that does not seem to follow any logical viral or bacterial onset and transition period.

If it was a really bacterial or a viral infection, it would have caused a fever but it didn’t It lasts for weeks, if not months. Sinus congestion, sinus drainage, cough, fatigue, general malaise. People have been feeling “off”.

The Armed Forces Research Institute of Pathology has registered a patent for the pathogenic micoplasma that is causing the epidemic. You can see the patent report in the book, Healing Codes for the Biblical Apocalypse.

Micoplasma is not really a fungus, it’s not really a bacteria, it’s not really a virus. It has no cell wall. It goes deep into the cell nuclei thereby making it very difficult to mount an immune response against it. It’s a man-made biological weapon.The patent report explains how it causes chronic upper respiratory infections that are virtually identical to what’s going on right now.”


“I believe the chemtrails are responsible for a chemical intoxication of the public, which would then cause a general immune suppression, low grade to high grade, depending on exposure. The immune dysfunction allows people to become susceptible to opportunistic infections, such as this micoplasma and other opportunistic infections”, says Dr. Horowitz.

“I first began to investigate chemtrails when some were sprayed over my home in Northern Idaho. I took pictures of them, and then contacted the Environmental Protection Agency of the state who were clueless and referred me to the Air Force. They got me in touch with Centers for Disease Control Toxicology, and after about a week I received a letter from one of their chief toxicologists saying, indeed there was some amount of ethylene dibromide in the jet fuel.

Ethylene dibromide is a known human chemical carcinogen that was removed from unleaded gasoline because of its cancer-causing effects. Now suddenly it has appeared in the jet fuel that high-altitude military aircraft are emitting!”

Ethylene dibromide is coming out of the jet fuels that is causing immune suppression and weakening people’s immune system. Then you’ve got a micoplasma microbe or a fungus that causes an upper respiratory illness. Suddenly you develop a secondary bacterial infection. Now you get hit with ANTIBIOTICS, and the antibiotics cause your body chemistry to go acidic, so now you get rashes and other things, your liver gets full of toxins and comes out through your skin in rashes and they get hyperallergenic reactions associated with the other chemicals. I’ve got colleagues in the Bahamas, Bermuda, Toronto, British Columbia all reporting the same bizarre seeding of the atmosphere. What is going on is just despicable.

All of a sudden now you’ve got human beings completely out of balance and infected by two, three or four microbial co-factors as well as intoxicated by a variety of different chemicals… and you’ve got somebody who’s going to be chronically ill.


“The Frank Church Congressional Hearings of 1975 exposed the Central Intelligence Agency biological weapons contracting firms – Litton Bionetics and the Army Corp of Engineers who were developing and utilizing various biological weapons on populations. And this is all done under black operations, covert operations, where they get funding and congressional people are never informed really where this money is going. It’s the black budget”, says Horowitz.

“And in the contemporary warfare arena, where experts in biological chemical warfare convene and discuss the ways that are ideal to conduct warfare today, to really take an enemy out, you don’t want to kill the people. You want to produce people who are chronically illand become dependant on the state and totally sap the resources of the country. And then you can move in with your military-medical-industrial complex and your international medical-pharmaceutical cartel. Then you sell these defeated countries all of the pharmaceuticals and chemicals that they need to maintain any semblance of healthy function.

They’re completely depleted. They can’t put together a military. You create a dependence and thereby you weaken the population, and weakened populations are easy to control. So you’ve got population control, and you make vast fortunes doing it, versus just blowing up a nuclear weapon and devastating the infrastructure that you own. You and your colleagues own that infrastructure. You want to get rid of the people. You don’t want to get rid of infrastructure”


“What I’m relating to you now is not speculation. If you were to read the top experts analysis of military warfare, including The Report From Iron Mountain – the Rockefeller family is one of the major players in this conspiracy. They are one of the major players in world genocide, world population reduction. That’s no mystery anymore.

When you examine who owns the chemtrail fuel, who are the fuel company directors, suddenly you enter into the realm of the Rockefeller family and the royal families – Standard Oil and British Petroleum. And what are their other agendas? Suddenly now you see their documents, showing that they have funded, historically, eugenics, racial hygiene, genocide, depopulation, family planning, maternal and child health – where they make and deliver vaccines, and contaminated blood supplies. These are the banksters, the same people who run the blood banking as well as the money banking industries”, says Dr. Horowitz.

“I reference a great book by Dr. John Coleman, who worked as a British Secret Service agent at the highest levels. And he articulated very clearly who was running those companies. It all goes back, ultimately, to the highest level of the royal family. The Bush family, Rothschild family, the Rockefeller money, and the entire Rockefeller establishment is based on Rothschild money and royal families.

If you can’t explain it rationally or any other way, I think you’ve got to begin to consider conspiracy theories and eliminate the negative label that you’ve placed on conspiracy theories which have been demonized along with wholistic medicine.”


The ruling crime families are making vast fortunes off of humanity’s suffering. The Rockefellers monopolized American medicine in the 1920s. They, along with I.G. Farben, Germany’s leading industrial organization, held the monopoly on the world’s chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

The Rockefellers and I.G. Farben worked together before World War II and during World War II. For all practical purposes, the Rockefellers and I.G. Farben were the Third Reich.

Who else is involved? The Merck Pharmaceutical Company. Their president, George W. Merck, was America’s biological weapons industry director during World War II. He was personally appointed by President Roosevelt and Secretary of War Stimson.

The Nazis planned for the New World Order. They even had a term for it – “neue Ordnung,” which means New Order, New World Order. This today, this New World Order, is the rise of the Fourth Reich. This is precisely what they envisioned and then carried out on a global scale. The goal of the Fourth Reich is population control and genocide.

99.99 percent of Masons have no clue what they’re really up to at the highest levels. they give you increased knowledge at every higher degree of Freemasonry. When you get beyond the 33rd degree, you get the highest indoctrination into what’s called the Ancient Arcana, the ancient sacred knowledge described in the book Healing Codes of the Biblical Apocalypse. That’s where the devil-doers who are running this planet are nesting.

How does a person become that high in the Masonic organization? Through bloodlines. You’ve got to be major royalty, major royalty, ideally a descendent or you’ve got to be somebody who is very close to the royalty, the major bloodlines.


Who are they targeting for genocide? If there’s an attempt underway to reduce the population of the planet, why isn’t it happening?

“Look at countries like those in Africa, Third World nations that have been heavily targeted with HIV/AIDS. And consider that 73 percent of HIV/AIDS patients in America today are Black or Hispanic. Statistically, 55 percent of gay men in America are already dead. Are you seeing depopulation specifically targeting minority groups now? Of course. It’s happening right now.

They don’t want to totally eliminate populations completely, just certain populations. And isn’t it, from their perspective, wonderful? They’ve got a covert depopulation agenda that nobody’s picked up on yet. It’s ideally what they want to produce.

It’s not just about the money. I think there’s a Satanic or evil ideology, because Nixon himself said, referring to the Rockefellers, – it’s not about money for these people, it’s about power.


At the end of the Monopoly game, what do you do? One person wins, they own all of the real estate, they own all of the assets, they’ve wiped all the other players out and the game is over. You can out the game away in your closet. But you don’t do that on planet earth.

The person who wins at the end of this World Monopoly Game gets to rearrange the board. And that’s precisely what we’ve seen in the last year. You’ve seen not the biggest fish eating the biggest fish in international commerce, you have seen the mega-whales eating the mega-whales in these mega-mergers. All these little companies that are producing your vitamins are a subsidiary of a major conglomerate. Today a Warner Lambert or Glaxo Wellcom, all of these huge, huge corporations own all the little fish. They buy them out. So, again, now the game board gets to be changed if they desire, and apparently that’s what they desire. That’s their agenda, you can see it.

At the Denver Airport, there’s a capstone, in the main terminal building dedicated to the New World Airport Commission by the Freemasons. And there’s a big colorful mural – that is dedicated to the extinct human species. And in the foreground, against the horrific backdrop of flames and destruction, there are three open coffins.


STEP ONE: Detoxification.

Because we’ve all been fed Babylon’s harvest and eaten the toxic garbage that comes from Monsanto, Dow Chemical and Archer Daniel and all their genetically engineered foods and the chemicals and the fluorides and the chlorine’s we need to detox. An easy detoxification program using fresh squeezed lemonade that you make with maple syrup and fresh squeezed lemons and cayenne pepper.

STEP TWO: Deacidification

To change your body’s chemistry, make it more alkaline. It’s only in the acid state that the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungus, molds, and cancer, cancer cells thrive. They cannot grow in an alkaline environment. What causes your body chemistry to go acidic and become a breeding ground for the bacterial and infectious agents? Caffeine, nicotine, sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, red meats, stress – are the main causes. Eliminate or reduce them as much as possible.

Squeeze lemon juice into water. Lemon has a lot of calcium in it and it turns to calcium hydroxide in drinking water. That’s alkalising. It raises the PH of that water from about 7 to about 8. Hot cayenne pepper is one of the most alkalising agents you can put in your body. It detoxifies and deacidifies all in one step.

STEP THREE: Oxygenation

The Rockefeller-directed international banksters, blood banksters and medical monopolists have been busy suppressing your immune system. You want to raise your blood oxygen levels



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You’re sick. Your nose is stuffy. Your body aches, You’re sweaty, coughing, sneezing and you don’t have enough energy to get out of bed.

It’s not the flu.

Welcome to the world of seasonal allergies, ragweed most likely. Take a Zyrtec, dumbass.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
"The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn’t quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it’s a “mystery” flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it."

Where are all of these mainstream medial reports of hospitals being jammed with mystery flu? Can you produce some? And isn't this the same Dr.(Dentist) Len Horowitz that says 440Hz tuning of musical instruments is creating a more violent society? Got a cease and desist from the FDA for his cream that cures skin cancer? But that's besides the point. Where is this mystery flu epidemic?

Will E Worm

"The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn’t quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it’s a “mystery” flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it."

Where are all of these mainstream medial reports of hospitals being jammed with mystery flu? Can you produce some? And isn't this the same Dr.(Dentist) Len Horowitz that says 440Hz tuning of musical instruments is creating a more violent society? Got a cease and desist from the FDA for his cream that cures skin cancer? But that's besides the point. Where is this mystery flu epidemic?

War On Health -- Pharmaceutical Companys & FDA Collusion

CBS News Reports: Emails show alleged pay-to-play between drug companies, FDA

OxyContin pills are arranged for a photo at a pharmacy in Montpelier, Vt. on Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013. Drug overdose deaths rose for the 11th straight year, federal data show, and most of them were accidents involving addictive painkillers despite growing attention to risks from these medicines. As in previous recent years, opioid drugs â?? which include OxyContin and Vicodin â?? were the biggest problem, contributing to 3 out of 4 medication overdose deaths. AP PHOTO/TOBY TALBOT
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Updated at 4:45 p.m.
An Ohio attorney has obtained emails that show that pharmaceutical companies have been paying tens of thousands of dollars to attend meetings of a panel of academics and health industry regulators that advise the Food and Drug Administration on its drug policies for painkillers, according to multiple news reports.
Two medical professors, Robert Dworkin of the University of Rochester and Dennis Turk of the University of Washington, set up a panel known by the acronym IMMPACT to advise the FDA on how to test the safety and effectiveness of painkillers - a $9 billion market in the United States. Pharmaceutical companies paid huge sums that could go as high as $35,000 to fund and attend meetings of the panel, the emails show. The professors collected as much as $50,000 each, which they would used to fund academic research accounts, research assistants and expenses, among other things.
In 2011, IMMPACT became a part of the Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations, Innovations, Opportunities, and Networks, or ACTTION, a public-private partnership between the University of Rochester, academia, FDA and other government agencies, industry, professional organizations, patient advocacy groups, foundations, and philanthropic organizations, according to Steven Immergut, the FDA Assistant Commissioner for Media Affairs.
Immergut said in a statement that these sort of public-private partnerships is one of just many in which the FDA participates in order to bring together expertise from all areas of drug development for collaborations that can help identify and address knowledge gaps and foster innovation.

Veterans Affairs Committee to investigate painkiller overdoses
Veterans dying from overmedication
But for some, the e-mails raise concern about a possible pay-to-play relationship between drug companies and the FDA.
"These e-mails help explain the disastrous decisions the FDA's analgesic division has made over the last 10 years," Craig Mayton, an attorney from Columbus, Ohio, who requested the emails from University of Washington, told the Washington Post. "Instead of protecting the public health, the FDA has been allowing the drug companies to pay for a seat at a small table where all the rules were written."
Immergut said the FDA is aware of the concerns that have been raised about the FDA's role in public private partnerships, and that those concerns are taken seriously. " We are unaware of any improprieties associated with ACTTION or IMMPACT, or with the Agency's involvement in the public-private partnership. The involvement of FDA scientists in these consortia is consistent with their responsibilities to understand the state of the science with regard to analgesic drug discovery and development. The recent participation of Agency representatives in this consortium has focused on discussions about clinical trial design for analgesic drugs, not on matters specific to any particular analgesic product," the statement said. "With regard to selection of the ACTTION contractors, the FDA has processes in place to avoid conflicts of interest issues. We will continue to evaluate our participation in these partnerships to ensure that they foster their stated goals and that they do not present conflicts of interest."
ChemTrail Poisons Falling From The Sky: 2014 Animal & Plant Kill Offs

Below is a list of worldwide mass animal deaths for 2014, with pages also for mass die offs in 2013, 2012 and 2011. There are animals dying all over the world today in huge numbers, due to the polluted state of the sea and air. Millions of Fish and massive numbers of whales and dolphins are washing ashore dead. Birds are falling dead out of the sky, and millions of poultry are dying from avian flu. The animals of the land like cattle are also dying in large numbers from disease. Although animals and fish have been dying all throughout history, we have not seen the massive*consistant*numbers that we are seeing today. Please remember! This is just one of the MANY signs of the last days.

In many of these events people from all walks of life are saying that they have*“never seen anything like this before“.
For reports, articles and much more information regarding the massive decline in our wildlife, please see*OUR DYING PLANET
If the information on these pages gives you cause for concern with regards to the future, then please see*what must I do to be saved?
Millions more Bees dead!*… Beekeeper Jose Luiz Santos of Sao Paulo, Brazil had 30 hives and was expecting to produce a ton of honey. But he found all his Bees dead recently. Pesticides are suspected.*(December 2013)*Link

"Hosea 4:3 …’Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away."

17th May 2014 – Masses of fish turn up dead in a marina in Pultneyville, New York,*America.*Link
16th May 2014 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Aragatsotn,*Armenia.*Link
15th May 2014 – Hundreds of fish dying off ‘due to pollution’ in the wetlands of Rewalsar,*India.*Link
14th May 2014 – Thousands of dead fish washing ashore in Cootes Paradise, Hamilton,*Canada.*Link
13th May 2014 –*Tens of thousands*of dead fish wash up along coast of Tasmania,*Australia.*Link
12th May 2014 – Mass death of fish in the river Eden ‘is a mystery’ in Cumbria,England.*Link
11th May 2014 – Thousands of dead Puffer Fish, also dead turtles washing up on various beaches in*Colombia and Costa Rica.*Link*and*here
11th May 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond is ‘a mystery’ in Southborough,*England.*Link
10th May 2014 – Thousands of fish dead due to pollution in spring in Sikkim,India.
9th May 2014 – Die off of Fish ’causes panic’ in the Luda Yana River in*Bulgaria.Link
8th May 2014 – Thousands of dead fish appear in a lake ‘shock residents’ in Mangalore,*India.*Link
8th May 2014 – 12 TONS of dead fish removed from lakes in Chisago County, Minnesota,*America.*Link
7th May 2014 –*Massive*die off of fish in reservoirs in Quanzhou,*China.*Link
7th May 2014 – Thousands of fish found dead on the shores of Roatan,Honduras.*Link
5th May 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach ‘a mystery’ in San Antonio Oeste,*Argentina.*Link
5th May 2014 – Mass death of fish found in lakes in Almindingen,*Denmark.*Link
4th May 2014 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Fujian,*China.*Link
3rd May 2014 – 1,000+ dead fish wash ashore along a lake in Ontario,*Canada.Link
2nd May 2014 –*40,000*fish die suddenly in a dam in Piaui,*Brazil.*Link
30th April 2014 – Mass fish kill ‘worst I’ve seen in 26 years of working here’ in Iowa,*America.*Link
30th April 2014 – Large amount of dead fish found floating along a river in Xiasha District,*China.*Link
29th April 2014 – Dozens of sea turtles are washing up dead in South Mississippi,America.*Link
29th April 2014 –*Thousands*of dead fish washing up along the shores of Lakes in Wisconsin,*America.
28th April 2014 – Turtles and other marine life continue to wash up dead in Bari,Italy.*Link
28th April 2014 – Large fish kill found in the Mogi River in*Brazil.*Link
25th April 2014 – Large fish kill found in a reservoir in Nanchong,*China.*Link
24th April 2014 – Large amount of fish wash up dead along a river in La Chorrera,*Panama.*Link
23rd April 2014 –*2 Million*fish found dead in a dam in Tehran,*Iran.*Link
23rd April 2014 – Mass die off of fish in Island lake in Ontario,*Canada.*Link
23rd April 2014 – Thousands of dead fish appear in a lake in Mudanjiang,*China.Link
22nd April 2014 – 1,000 fish found dead in Oona River, County Tyrone,Northern Ireland.*Link
21st April 2014 – Large amounts of fish washing up dead along the Panchganga River in*India.*Link
19th April 2014 –*MILLIONS*of dead fish found floating in Thondamanaru Lagoon,*Sri Lanka.
16th February 2014 -*10,000*livestock have died due to drought in Chulucanas,*Peru.*Link
16th February 2014 – Hundreds of sea birds wash up along South West coast of*England.*Link
15th February 2014 – Hundreds of cattle dead due to ‘mystery illness’ in Misiones Province,*Argentina.*Link*and*here
14th February 2014 – Thousands of birds found dead, due to avian flu in Trenggalek Regency,Indonesia.*Link
13th February 2014 -*MILLIONS*of dead fish wash ashore on Lake Manyas, Balikesir,*Turkey.*Link
13th February 2014 – Thousands of fish have died ‘due to environmental factors’ in Lampung,*Indonesia.*Link
12th February 2014 – Thousands of fish found dead in a river in Rio Piracicaba,*Brazil.*Link
12th February 2014 -*160 TONS*of dead fish found along Johor Straits in*Singapore.*Link
12th February 2014 – Thousands of birds killed due to avian flu in various provinces in*Vietnam.*Link
11th February 2014 – 9 Orca Whales found washed up dead near Tuatapere in*New Zealand.*Link
11th February 2014 – Mass die off of fish and shrimp due to ‘red tide’ in Hainan,*China.*Link

11th February 2014 -*5,000+*sea birds found dead ‘due to storms’ along west coast of*France.*Link
11th February 2014 – Thousands of dead fish found floating in a river in Riau,*Indonesia.*Link
10th February 2014 -*MILLIONS*of Bees found dead near hives in Murcia,*Spain.*Link
10th February 2014 – 100 sea birds wash up dead or dying on Chesil Beach in Dorset,*England.Link
8th February 2014 – Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Bera,*Malaysia.*Link
8th February 2014 – Hundreds of livestock killed by snowstorms in Xinjiang,*China.*Link
6th February 2014 -*225,000*Birds,*8,000*sheep,*150*goats dead from flooding in Central Java,*Indonesia.*Link
6th February 2014 -*60,000*fish killed due to outbreak of virus at Robertson Creek, BC,*Canada.*Link
6th February 2014 -*10,000+*fish found dead in Vasse Estuary,*Australia.*Link
5th February 2014 -*70 TONS*of fish have died in Lake Sebu in South Cotabato,*Philippines.*Link
5th February 2014 – 12 dead Albatross found on Ripiro Beach, ‘never seen anything like it’ in*New Zealand.*Link
5th February 2014 -*2.4 MILLION+*Chickens and Ducks killed due to outbreak of Avian flu in*South Korea.*Link
5th February 2014 – Hundreds of fish found dead in Bashan Park River in*Singapore.*Link
4th February 2014 -*1,122+*Turtles wash ashore dead*during January*on beaches in Andhra Pradesh,*India.*Link
4th February 2014 -*400+*dolphins wash up dead*during January*on beaches in Northern*Peru.*Link
3rd February 2014 -*Millions*of Sea stars still dying off on west coast of*America.*Link
3rd February 2014 -*Thousands*of bees die off ‘due to pesticides’ in Pontalinda, Sao Paulo,*Brazil.*Link
2nd February 2014 -*Thousands*of fish found dead in a river in Banyumas,*Indonesia.*Link
30th January 2014 – Hundreds of cattle dying due to ‘mystery disease’ in New South Wales,*Australia.*Link
29th January 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in Kings River, California,*America.*Link
29th January 2014 – Hundreds of Chickens die suddenly in Madiun County,*Indonesia.*Link
29th January 2014 – 10 Tons of fish die suddenly in lake Maninjau, West Sumatra,Indonesia.*Link
29th January 2014 – Masses of fish and squid wash ashore dead on beach in Kauai, Hawaii,*America.*Link
28th January 2014 – 20,000 Birds killed due to outbreak of avian flu in Hong Kong,*China.*Link
28th January 2014 -*Tens of thousands*of dead fish washing up along a river in Tennessee,*America.*Link
27th January 2014 – Tons of fish found dead in two dams in Bandung Regency,*Indonesia.*Link
24th January 2014 -*25 dead whales*found near Kice Island in Florida,*America.*Link
24th January 2014 – Thousands of dead fish found near River Thames in Oxfordshire,*England.*Link
23rd January 2014 -*10,000*Chickens die suddenly due to avian flu in Kudat,*Malaysia.*Link
23rd January 2014 – Hundreds of dead birds found, ‘never seen anything like it’ in Burleson, Texas,*America.*Link
23rd January 2014 -*Millions (120 TONS)*of fish have died in a lake in Batangas,*Philippines.Link
22nd January 2014 – 1,000 Birds dead from outbreak of disease in Kaiapoi,*New Zealand.*Link
22nd January 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish washing up at Thompson’s Bayou in Florida,America.*Link
21st January 2014 -*Millions*of Oysters have died suddenly*during past 2 months*from ‘mystery disease’ in Port Stephens,*Australia.*Link
21st January 2014 – 8 Whales dead, more stranded off the coast of Florida,*America.*Link
20th January 2014 – 19,000 Birds killed due to Avian flu in Shandong,*China.*Link
19th January 2014 – ‘Scores’ of Buffaloes dead from ‘mystery disease’ during past few weeks in Rewari,*India.*Link
18th January 2014 -*Tens of thousands*of dead fish wash up along entire beach in Vargas,*Venezuela.*Link
18th January 2014 – Mass die off of fish occuring in a branch of the Nile in Desouk,*Egypt.*Link
18th January 2014 -*70+*Whales Stranded, (numbers changing)*20 dead*on beaches in GoldenBay,*New Zealand.*Link
18th January 2014 – 1,000 Ducks found dead in a reservoir in North Jeolla Province,*South Korea.*Link
18th January 2014 – Tons of dead fish washing up on beaches in Lambayeque,*Peru.*Link
17th January 2014 – Thousands of dead fish appear on the shores of a river in Old Lyme, Connecticut,*America.*Link
17th January 2014 -*26 Dolphins, 15 Turtles, 11 Sea Lions*found washed up dead along coast of Piura,*Peru.*Link
17th January 2014 -*20,000*fish have died off the coast of Mati,*Philippines.*Link
17th January 2014 -*5,300+*dead fish found in Clinton Lake, Illinois,*America.*Link
17th January 2014 – Large die off of fish in a river in Qinhuai,*China.*Link
16th January 2014 – Hundreds of ducks die suddenly due to bird flu in Wonogiri,*Indonesia.*Link
15th January 2014 – 7 Dolphins, 2 Sea Lions, 1 Whale found dead along coast of Sinaloa,*Mexico.*Link
15th January 2014 -*100,000*dead fish in Sparks Marina, ‘reason unknown’ in Nevada,*America.*Link
14th January 2014 – Mass die off of Wild Boars ‘due to disease’ in*Lithuania.*Link
14th January 2014 -*Thousands*of Cattle dead due to flooding in Tabasco,*Mexico.*Link
14th January 2014 – 13 whales stranded, 5 dead, 8 to be killed in Farewell Spit,*New Zealand.*Link
14th January 2014 – Thousands of fish have died ‘due to cold’ in Olentangy River, Ohio,*America.*Link
14th January 2014 – Tons of fish found dead, ‘worst fish kill ever’ in a river in Mindanao,*Philippines.*Link
13th January 2014 -*Massive*fish die off due to sea freezing so fast in Lovund,Norway.*Link
13th January 2014 -*50,000*Birds killed due to avian flu in Hubei,*China.*Link
11th January 2014 – Thousands of various fish found dead in a river in Sao Paulo,Brazil.*Link
10th January 2014 – A large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus found dead ‘due to heatwave’ in*Australia.*Link
10th January 2014 -*10,000*birds killed due to avian flu in Bac Ninh,*Vietnam.*Link
10th January 2014 – Thousands of fish dead due to pollution in a river in Durban,*South Africa.*Link
9th January 2014 – 150 Ducks dead due to outbreak of bird flu in Redwood City, California,*America.*Link
8th January 2014 -*100,000*bats fall dead from sky in Queensland,*Australia.*Link
8th January 2014 – 35 Turtles wash ashore dead along the coast of Chennai,*India.*Link
8th January 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in a lake is a ‘mystery’ in Buenos Aires,*Argentina.*Link
8th January 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Minas Gerais,*Brazil.*Link
8th January 2014 – Mass fish kill ‘due to pollution’ in a pond in Foshan,*China.*Link
8th January 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on shores of a lake in Oran,*Algeria.*Link
7th January 2014 -*40 Bald Eagles*now dead from ‘virus’ in Utah,*America.*
6th January 2014 -*4,700*Cattle dead from outbreak of Foot and Mouth in Kerala,*India.*Link
6th January 2014 – 2 rare Whales dead after beaching on Long Island is ‘unusual’ in*America.*Link
6th January 2014 -*39 Pilot Whales*dead after stranding on beach in*New Zealand.*Link
6th January 2014 – Hundreds of ducks die suddenly in Malang,*Indonesia.*Link
6th January 2014 – Massive fish kill due to pollution in a river in Kurger Park,*South Africa.*Link
6th January 2014 – Hundreds of fish found dead in a lake in La Molina,*Peru.*Link
5th January 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond, ‘like the apocalypse’ in Varbina,Bulgaria.*Link
4th January 2014 – 500+ Goats dead from outbreak of plague in Xinjiang,*China.*Link
4th January 2014 – 47 Marine animals (seals, turtles, dolphins, birds) found dead on beach in Chiclayo,*Peru.*Link
3rd January 2014 – Tons of dead fish found in a river in San Martino in Rio,*Italy.*Link
3rd January 2014 – Second mass die-off of Sardines during past 2 weeks washes up on beaches in Valparaiso,*Chile.*Link
3rd January 2014 – Large die-off of fish found in a river in Hsinchu County,*Taiwan.*Link
2nd January 2014 -*NOTE: 20,000 Birds have died since November due to disease around Great Salt Lake in*America.*Link
2nd January 2014 -*23,000*Chickens killed due to bird flu in Guizhou,*China.*Link
2nd January 2014 – Hundreds (maybe thousands) of fish have died in a lake in NSW,*Australia.Link
1st January 2014 – Thousands of fish, including turtles and ducks dead from ‘fuel spill’ in Culiacan,*Mexico.*Link
1st January 2014 – Thousands of dead fish washing up on beaches in El Oro,*Ecuador.*Link
1st January 2014 – Massive fish die off in fish ponds in Thong Nhat,*Vietnam.*Link
See*MASS ANIMAL DEATHS 2013*for the 2013 list.
See*MASS ANIMAL DEATHS 2012*for the 2012 list.
See*MASS ANIMAL DEATHS 2011*for the 2011 list.
"The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn’t quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it’s a “mystery” flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it."

Where are all of these mainstream medial reports of hospitals being jammed with mystery flu? Can you produce some? And isn't this the same Dr.(Dentist) Len Horowitz that says 440Hz tuning of musical instruments is creating a more violent society? Got a cease and desist from the FDA for his cream that cures skin cancer? But that's besides the point. Where is this mystery flu epidemic?

I generally won't waste my time responding to such ridiculous questions, but because I unfortunately feel that the overall issue is of a certain level of significance, I will post the following information anyway…PM me any follow-up questions or comments if you are still confused, and I will respond if I deem it necessary.

Mystery Illness Striking Texas & Across U.S Exposed

Serious respiratory virus hits 10 states, including Ga.

Doctors seeing upper respiratory infections

Mystery flu-like illness killing Americans, including Alex Jones’ cousin



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I generally won't waste my time responding to such ridiculous questions, but because I unfortunately feel that the overall issue is of a certain level of significance, I will post the following information anyway…PM me any follow-up questions or comments if you are still confused, and I will respond if I deem it necessary.

No Eric. You bring it up on here, you discuss it here. None of those stories has anything to do with Len Horowitz's claims. These stories of kids catching things run every year at this time. That's what happens when kids go back to school. And I wouldn't call 100 kids across 10 states jamming hospitals. But Len does and you buy into it. Plus you believe that these 100 kids got this because of chemtrails. 10s of thousands of square miles being sprayed only producing 100 sick kids? That's a pretty far stretch for any imagination.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I still want to know:
Why and how my aircraft pictures are wrong?
Why Snowden and/or Wikileaks haven't said the first word about this topic?
What nearly the entire medical community has to lose by warning the US population about Morgellons (if it's as eric says)?
Why aren't there more reported cases of said ailment?

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AEROSPACE WORKER FIRED After Admitting: “I Installed Chemtrail Devices”

“We gutted the plane, mounted the tanks. Installed the cables and lines and spraying devices. I was a civilian worker supervised by the military. When we finished, we were told that this was a test conducted by the German Aeronautics and Space Administration. Meaning that the plane with the spraying devices goes ahead while a second plane with measuring devices flies behind and conducts measurements. Like, “we just want to find out how the particles do behave and propagate.

“So when we were finished with the installation, guys from the military came over and instructed us to wear full body protective clothing and breathing masks because they were now going to fill the tanks. And that the substances, like aluminum sulfides or barium oxides, would contain highly toxic nano particle sized polymers.”