
Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I certainly don't care what some little broke ass college boy thinks about anything… You wanna get into some real shit rather than your pathetic cartoon idiot garbage you normally involve yourself with, then put your money where your mouth is boy...I'm a betting man boy, and i'll put 10 stacks up that that my resume' is exactly as I say it is, and as a matter of fact, I have left off quite a few things as well.

I can provide all info thru e-mail or PM that is researchable on every aspect. So the game ends here you broke idiot fuck,,,put up of shut up lololol
And I'll bet you believe every word you say.

You forgot a few, but I can live with that. It's easier to live with than living with being incredibly wrong about a cause I feel passionately about. How's that going? You know you're wrong, you've proved it in this thread, and enough contrary evidence has been given to make you look completely insane, but you soldier on anyway. It can't be fun to be you. It is, however, fun to watch you make more of an ass of yourself. So, yes. Please. Continue. The sheer entertainment value you provide is fantastic.
I don't think he does. I meant it honestly when I brought up schizophrenia; I think his thought processes are genuine. Ever seen Shutter Island? It's quite something how far a mind can go to protect a fantasy from reality. Although that statement doesn't necessarily apply only to crazy people...


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Yeah you're through clueless little Tattoo Boy… and now you're not even TRYING to make sense…."psycho-mom"…."stupid schizophrenic fuck"…one day you want to swap recipes like a bitch, the next day you're going on some nonsensical profanity laden rant..sounds to me like YOU'RE the one who is schizophrenic, boy…

I've got no problem with you. I hope your projects work out well. Stay here on the boards. When I called you a stupid schizophrenic fuck, it was in frustration. You've got to understand that your condescending attitude doesn't make anything you say more credible. Let's face it, you are the company that you keep. If you think that David Icke and John Lear speak the God spoken truth, then you must also believe that their lizard people and moon mining might be real too. Was Alex Jones reporting credible accurate events the night of Y2K? I'm hoping you don't put yourself in that company of those liars. They're making people like you bat-shit-crazy.

We are not disputing things that you are right about. We challenge things that are downright wrong or lies and you know what they are. You avoid these challenges like you can dance through raindrops and can't get wet. It doesn't work. It's transparent and you are the only one that doesn't see it. Do you really believe that you are blessed with all of the truth and knowledge of this subject? Please say no just for your own sanity.
I'm a grown man Bob, I've built my whole reputation in the real world by speaking the truth, and being right. So when I speak, you can take it too the bank. Everything I've said regarding this topic is 100% correct and has been established and referenced with 100% accuracy. If by "we" you are referring to you and the broke boy dim-wit douchebag crew, then all I see is a bunch of clowns, and you're right, I do judge you by the company you keep.

As far as I'm concerned, you are only in this thread because it has the second most hits on the front page, next to another one of my threads that has the most. My threads are the best because I research them months before I ever start them, so I don't mind you coming in and trying to learn a thing or two, but that's about the extent to which I consider anything you say.

For the sake of your own sanity, if you, or the fuck-boy crew, think you have anything original to say regarding the subject, then go start your own thread, otherwise just continue to yell and shout from the sidelines like the rest of the fans.

Seriously, how many times have all of you said you were leaving my threads forever, just to show up again the next day when you see I'm still the number one poster, really Bob, it's pathetic. How do you think I could have any respect for you after that ?

Look, I may yell and scream from times to time, but I don't have a problem with you, I appreciate you trying to answer some questions and get involved in the convo., but seriously, you associate yourself with broke idiot adolescent liars that call themselves the douchebag crew, really Bob, what I'm I supposed to think about you after that,,,just sayin'.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Wow, Commander Potato is right because he says so. Fucking hilarious.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Eric: " Everything I've said regarding this topic is 100% correct and has been established and referenced with 100% accuracy."

How about that airplane that can't fly over 30k' that can be rented for $22,000 a day. You can view the chemical composition of a contrail from the ground. No one from Florida was studied with Margolis Disease even though they have research facilities in Jacksonville. And now a 4th. When did I say I was leaving?
But he said it, bob. Therefore it's true.

Also, can someone explain where the tattoo boy thing came from? It only adds to his appearance of brilliance.


Awesome, CP!
You feel the need to hang your hat on number of views as a great accomplishment; cool.
I've been stuck for hours over the years in traffic jams caused by "rubberneckers" passing a nasty car wreck, since people can't resist looking at trainwrecks and car crashes...disasters draw our curiosity.
Congratulations! You have achieved a goal of being the most watched trainwreck/car crash disaster on FreeOnes, currently on display.
Who wouldn't strive to amuse the thousands of rubberneckers both on the street and here who can't resist the temptation to stare at a total mess on display?

That would be most of us...

Good for you, eric....you have earned your elite status among our most dysfunctional folks; the mass murderers, the arsonists, the tinfoil couture adherents we cherish so much for their amusement value.
You are indeed an elite poster...now that JesusIsMariah isn't bouncing from thread to thread frothing at the mouth and waxing insane.

You da man! :coolthumb:


So...this is pretty funny, Commander Potato...

I've built my whole reputation in the real world by speaking the truth, and being right. So when I speak, you can take it too the bank. Everything I've said regarding this topic is 100% correct and has been established and referenced with 100% accuracy.

Commander Potato said:
As far as I'm concerned, you are only in this thread because it has the second most hits on the front page, next to another one of my threads that has the most.

Commander Potato said:
That's what I thought, broke ass idiot douchebag fuck boy

Commander Potato said:
The bet applies to you too little broke(s) ass douchebag crew punk boy..although I'm fairly sure you still need to ask your mom for money to buy your action figures.

Where is this info on FOs? Is there a section you can link to that establishes the relative income of specific members?
Or do you have Satanic Connections, like for car issues when you need a Satanic Mechanic?
Did your Satanic Accountant garner this 100% accurate info for you?


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Could one of the admins or mods change his user title to Commander Potato? Please? Seriously.

I'll even start a FreeOnes points pool if that's what it takes (what is it, 500 points for a title change?).


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Also, can someone explain where the tattoo boy thing came from? It only adds to his appearance of brilliance.

It all started when I asked eric about the content of contrails. His claims only refer to what is found on the ground and nothing gathered from the sky. He said that there were airplanes equipped with such measuring devices that could be rented for $22,000 a day but couldn't fly above 30k'. That seems a bit strange. Who would put all of this sophisticated equipment into an airplane that can't fly above 30k'? So I asked him about it several times. He must know since he found a rental price quote. Eric purposely avoids my question because he made this shit up and is stuck for an answer. So as an attempt of deflection he refers to me as Tattoo (Da plane, da plane) from Fantasy Island. Why? Because I repeatedly asked for his 100% rock solid evidence that such a plane exists.

Phil, thank you for recognizing the genius that is eric. His knowledge and contributions are always welcomed by the community. I wish there were more erics here.
I think recent posts are being a bit disrespectful to Eric. I'm not happy with all this Commander Potato stuff. Eric is Eric simple as that. Eric the human being that lists David, hahahahaha, David......... Hahahahaha......... Uh hum, David.... Hahaha uh hum, cough, splatter, David Icke hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.......
Kind of figured that you would just dismiss my questions out of hand (only this time with a ridiculously long post), brevity my dear child obviously isn't your forté. It's funny you keep harping that you've talked to aviation scientists and aeronautical engineers. You'd think they'd have explained what a leading edge flap does, a fuel dump valve, or the effect various fairings on an airfoil.
This lazy post in non-responsive and insufficient. First you say that your questions aren't questions, but were statements, now you are again referring to them as questions. Additionally, you first get upset because I don't answer your questions immediately, then you say my detailed responses to your questions are too long.

Perhaps there is a language problem, or some other issue, but you need to go back and make sure that you comprehend the responses to your "questions" in their entirety, because this reply doesn't make any sense.

Kind of figured that you would just dismiss my questions out of hand (only this time with a ridiculously long post), brevity my dear child obviously isn't your forté. It's funny you keep harping that you've talked to aviation scientists and aeronautical engineers. You'd think they'd have explained what a leading edge flap does, a fuel dump valve, or the effect various fairings on an airfoil.
Just out of curiosity, Eric, what would be something you would actually take the time to read and answer in earnest? People have provided links, data, reputable sources, and well thought out, careful posts. All of these you have tossed aside with a comment such as "I'm not reading that insufficient post with your insufficient links." What on earth would motivate anyone to even try to engage you at this point? You dismiss everything that you didn't write out of hand.

You're obviously not here for discussion. You're just posting your ideas as facts, and disabusing anyone who disagrees with you.

I'm sorry, it is obvious from your posting style that you have a tiny penis, too.
My process in researching for this thread was to find and analyze the most credible sources possible. This was done before the thread was started, and different authorotative levels of information are posted by me periodically in furtherance of the thread. But I have already posted the best evidence from around the world. So if people ask questions regarding the subject that clearly indicate that they don't know, specifically, each and every piece of evidence that I have presented, then their question will be deemed insufficient for failing to even research the materials already provided for them.

I haven't seen anything posted by skeptics that I hadn't already considered before starting this thread. I stopped hitting peoples links when it became obvious that they had not considered information which I had already provided, and were either re-stating arguments and/or information that had already been addressed pages ago, or were making generally fallacious arguments.

In most instances. I try to be as specific as possible in initially answering a persons questions, however if they persist on asking the same questions or asking similar questions that were already addressed by me elsewhere, than their comments will earn a gradation of insufficiency.

If a person decides not to further engage me in discussion at that point, assumingly because they don't understand why their information or comments are insufficient, then that's their prerogative, and they can either move on, or start a thread of their own espousing their theories regarding the subject.

Just out of curiosity, Eric, what would be something you would actually take the time to read and answer in earnest? People have provided links, data, reputable sources, and well thought out, careful posts. All of these you have tossed aside with a comment such as "I'm not reading that insufficient post with your insufficient links." What on earth would motivate anyone to even try to engage you at this point? You dismiss everything that you didn't write out of hand.

You're obviously not here for discussion. You're just posting your ideas as facts, and disabusing anyone who disagrees with you.

I'm sorry, it is obvious from your posting style that you have a tiny penis, too.