lol you linked to a Finnish article even though you don't speak Finnish and it says nothing about chemtrails. That's adorable.
My information is rock solid as usual, and you are in denial on a pathetic level if you dare to even insinuate that my information is anything other than 100% accurate.
Notwithstanding your apparent inability to deal with the irrefutable expert testimony presented to you regarding chemtrails in post
#267, now you are trying to engage in some sort of ridiculous exercise is semantics, rather than just to admit the obvious.
You're right, I don't speak Finnish, but I do speak English, and there is no doubt as to the identity of
Tuomas Kuokkanen, nor is there any doubt that he is a Finnish scientist who has studied and analyzed the issue of geo-engineering and chemtrails, and made the statements which I indicated. The Finnish citation was added to further establish his identity, rather than for the substance of the brief article. There is enough information about him in english to substantiate anything and everything which has been said.
Futhermore, you have yet to provide any information regarding chemtrails whatsoever that could even begin to disprove or refute, in any way, the findings of
Aviation Scientists, Heliophysicists , etc,, regarding chemtrails presented in this thread, so by that fact alone, you loose.
So basically you have absolutely no points at all. You obviously can't refute anything presented in post
#267, and you can't refute anything in the last post regarding Finnland in post
#272, other than to make some criticism of
Tuomas Kuokkanen that has no bearing on the factual allegations presented.
You seriously need to drop this mock denial because it's just ridiculous, and if you're depressed, and you can't deal with the reality of the world around you…then seek help. LOL
Tuomas Kuokkanen and Yulia Yamineva
´Regulating Geoengineering in International Environmental Law
Journal: Carbon and Climate Law Review - Issue: 3/2013 - pp. 161-167