Charmane Star

Yes. Yes she is.

I dont know if anyone agrees with me but she has so much waisted potential. She could easily be one of the hotest porn stars out there if she just turned up her dirty level a little.

I think i should agree in that, I haven't watched Charmane much, I saw her in one of Tera's movies and she performed quite well actually, but she could increase her level of dirtyness, but overall, she is still good pornstar.
Charmane does anal, some clips are in this thread.
Worth it!

oh i know those are great. lol even the max hc one. "is my hole big?" lol. im just saying look at lucy lee and her career (being in prison doenst help) just maybe a few dps, a bakers dozen scene or something similiar, maybe some more a2m or hell even some b/b/g and a swallow scene. She'd be huge.